::The swirling mists of the Abyss circling around the sitting form, the demonic hunter pondered quietly among his pets. Arms resting lightly upon his knees, he leaned forward, resting atop a large rock, his black leather jacket pulled taut over his muscular form. A tan dress shirt and thin black tie covering his torso, his ensemble was completely with a fine pair of Italian slacks. His long bangs hanging off his head, he toyed idily with hanging cross, suspending from his neck. Times had changed, and so too the hunter. Once an enigma, ever hidden beneaht heavy folds of cloaks, seeming more feral and demonic than man, the hunter now took on a new "look". His true powers masked by the moderate form of a well built man. Well built, and well dressed, the predator seemed a new generation of evil hunters. The only noticable trait of this man was the reddish, grey tint that his skin had picked up from such long periods of time within the chaos of the Hunter's Abyss. Countless packs of demonic minions loyal to his every beckon, followed their master about as a sort of foul, sinister entorauge. His glowing red eyes bent into a sneering glare, he mulled quietly, reveling in the coursing power the magical cross fed to him, further strengthening him. The time in lay had been for the best. Many souls had fallen discreetly to his will, and he had been growing strong in the quiet times. Yes, the time would come again soon for the return of the most ferocious, most feared the foolish heroes of this realm had ever known. This...was a hunter...unleashed.::