You have just entered room "The Sanctuary."

Isaiah Pureheart: ::Smiling, he nodded and shrugged off the issue:: Yes, I'm well enough, nothing more answered prayers would not heal. ::His facial expressions turning serious once again, he held out his hand to her:: Katt, it is dangerous times these days...let me see your mace.

Katt Faeryfire: :: She looked at him a puzzled expression upon her pale face...with a slender well manicured hand she reached down and pulled the mace from its bindings at her hip, then proffered it up to him almost the way one would a sacrafice, it laying across her palms:: What is wrong Isaiah?

Isaiah Pureheart: He smiled softly and shook his head:: It is nothing, I just wish to be sure that you are well equipped to face any evils that may befall you, dear child. ::He turned and slowly walked to a small, wooden podium with a wooden lid with a cross for a handle covering it. Removing the lid, a deep pool of crystal clear water sparkled within. Submerging the mace fully within the holy water, he closed his eyes. His lips moved and soft, quiet words were spoken as he whispered a few prayers, the words flowing smoothly and with ease from his lips, as though anything else would be unnatural. Holding his hands, palm down over the basin of blessed water, his hands began to radiate an warming glow of incredible whiteness. His voice still flowing with words as he continued his blessing, he placed one finger within the depths of the water and spun it in a clockwise pattern. Removing his finger after one full rotation, the water continued to spin about as though awakened by his words and alive with a mind of it's own now. His hands hovering over the holy water once more, he uttered the last syllable and the water abruptly ceased it's swirling. Opening his eyes once more, a calm, pleased expression played across his face. Reaching into the water, that only those of righteous goodness could touch without bringing harm to their bodies, once more he pulled the mace from it's crystalline depths. Walking back over to her once more, he held the mace out for her to take. It was totally dry, as though it had never been in water at all, and appeared just as it did before she had given it to him. Upon closer inspection, however, a small cross could be seen etched into the butt-end of the handle:: This mace has now been enchanted, Katt. With it's blessed powers, you can bring damage to even the undead. Fear no enemy you may face, child, for this weapon shall protect you.

Katt Faeryfire: ::she stood watching him as he performed this sacred ritual, it brought with it first a sense of wonderment and awe at his angelic powers and presence. Then suddenly that wonderment turned into a flicker of despair. How could she, a mere mortal, a human, feel this way about a him, a holy messenger? She pondered within her soul if there was some sin in that..although she did not see how admiring him , could prove to be a transgression. Her thoughts again turned back to her mace, her violet orbs filling with tears as he returned it to her. She took it gingerly running a tiny hand over it. Then turning her gaze upward to his she spoke:: thank you Isaiah.

Isaiah Pureheart: ::A small frown found it's way to his lips as he saw her tears building up. Touching her shoulder lightly he queried:: What is wrong child? What distraught has befallen you?

Katt Faeryfire: ::she smiled now warmly, her hand reaching up to cover his.:: No...Isaiah..I was touched by your gesture...honored that you should choose to bless me with such a gift.

Isaiah Pureheart: ::He was an angel, attuned in a very special manner to his maker. He knew when people did not speak the truth, but he smiled softly and nodded. He also knew tactfulness and that sometimes lies were given to protect oneself from a fear of pain. He let the issue go reluctantly, shaking his head:: No, you are a true child of light and you work to do much good in this realm. Many angry and spiteful people may try to harm you as you do so, perhaps even my dark kin, demons bred from Hell's depths, or even the living dead, vampires. I, of course, am here to serve as protector to all like you, but I can not be everywhere at once. This mace will serve to protect in my absence. Few weapons can harm those of the immortal races. Your's now can.

Katt Faeryfire: ::she noted the shake of his head, and suddenly felt terribly guilty about her omission to him, she had after all shared her heart with this being, they had at one time exchanged endearments, but perhaps he regretted that now, and she did not wish to make him uncomfortable bringing it up. SHe herself would gladly deal with this guilt if it meant sparing him grief. She again admired her mace. I understand Isaiah...thank you. The number of undead in the realms grows by leaps and bounds with each passing day. My mind with be much more at ease now.

Isaiah Pureheart: ::His face serene and clear he led her to the first pew in the rows and sat beside her:: Tell me Katt, what spells do you know currently? Perhaps I could help you learn a few new ones? To better aide you in your works to heal this land?

Katt Faeryfire: ::she sat laying her mace now across her lap, her smile returning to it's usual warmth. Well I have healing spells that can heal even the worst of wounds, an I am able so cure blindness, and most diseases as well...::she seemed to be lost deep in thought for a moment and then turned to smile at him. A look of realization upon her pretty face:: The spell I have to fight off poison , is weak at best Isaiah...I had a little boy :: her eyes again filled with tears, this time accompanied my her trembling lip:: He died...I could not help him...My spell was not strong enough.

Isaiah Pureheart: ::Closing his eyes he lifted his head up as though in commune with another. Silent for a few moments he nodded once and then opened his eyes once more, his gaze falling to her:: You have, as I suspected, been recognized by my master. He knows well of you good intent and earnest works. Continue your prays at night to better learn the spell and he will answer you.

Katt Faeryfire: ::Her face lit up once again, suddenly she leaned over the pew and hugged him tightly, then just as quickly released him:: Oh thank you Isaiah...this will help me to serve the people so much better. I fear my skills had been lacking. I felt as if I was letting them down..

Isaiah Pureheart: ::He smiled gently and shook his head:: No, child, you have not been letting the people down. You serve as an avenue of hope for them. A place that they can turn to and know that not all the good has fled from this place.

Katt Faeryfire: ::she slowly nodded her violet pools once again finding his dark orbs:: You are right Isaiah...But I fear for that child’s parents..I only serve as a disappointment...nothing more..::she sighed, once again biting her bottom lip:

Isaiah Pureheart: ::He shook his head and sighed softly:: Never lose faith, Katt. Never lose sight of all the good that you do. Surely no one expects you to be a savior to all. Not even our Lord could help all beforehe left this realm. You have done all that you've been able. No one sees you as a disappointment.

Katt Faeryfire: ::the smile again returned to her are right of course..I did my best..Thank you Isaiah I love that about you...the fact that you always help me to see more clearly. ::she tensed a bit a her choice of words, then relaxed once more, looking down at her mace in her lap:

Isaiah Pureheart: ::He smiled and nodded, pleased by this all.:: I am glad that you too find hope in my words, like those you help find hope in your's. Continue your journey and be strong in your faith, it will guide and protect you through many hard times..

Katt Faeryfire: ::her eyes were locked on the mace pondering what to say to him in response, her heart said one thing, her head another. She found her voice once again and spoke softly:: Yes faith is still strong, and has served me well so that I may serve others...

Isaiah Pureheart: ::He smiled softly and rose to his feet:: I'm sorry, but I must go now. As always, I have many to attend to and help..the work of a healer is never done.

Katt Faeryfire: ::she nodded smiling a rising to her feet:: I thank you once again for your assistance Isaiah...It was grately appreciated. I will put these tools to use wisely.

Isaiah Pureheart: ::he nodded somberly and took her hand in his, squeezing it softly:: I know you will Katt. Be safe and be careful. ::closing his eyes he uttered a quick prayer and was gone from sight::

Katt Faeryfire: ::she smiled as he vanished, and made her way back out into the light of day to face the world once again, and aid those who might need her::
