The Siblings

::Narrow eyes narrower yet, steel grey orbs ever vigil as the graceful movements of the elven warrior led the way through the massive, living forest the pair walked through. His hunting spear strapped to his back, his cloak pulled tight around his chianmail tunic, the perfectly honed frame of the young man was slightly visible. Beside him, he heard the rustlings of the mythical creature his sister rode. Casting a sideways glance, his handsome angular features softened from their normal, impassive expression. Despite the trials set before him, he could always smile when gazing upon the stunning beauty of his sister. No matter what was next in their journeys, he knew he was not alone. His mind drifted back to the past months. Had it been so long since they had left their homeland? Leaving in their race's most dire time of need, in search of the being able to bring salvation to a dying race, the Selu siblings had traveled many distances to complete their quest. Sighing with remorse, the weight of responsibility fully on his shoulders, Rune secretly wondered if they were the last of their kind as it was. Noticing his sister's returned look of concerned curiosity, he offered his most assuring smile and pushed onward through the trees they so well knew. For her sake, and the optimstic hope she seemed to carry at all times, he pushed on, hoping against odds to restore some of what had been lost to this realm. Heroes.:: ::Deep in her own contemplative thoughts as she rode upon the back of the mighty griffin, Aspen's thoughts were on their almost impossible task as well. Her flowing brown hair tied behind her back, her soft green eyes misted as the tears of hopelessness crept upon her once more. Her lithe body shaking beneath the emotional drain, she tried admirably to set her resolve once more. Rune was with her, they could not fail. The strongest and most skilled warrior of the Wood Elves, Rune was her protectorm her guardian. Her older brother. With her ability to tame magnificant creatures, and commune at will with the living beings of nature, they had found little resistance thus far, but little hope as well. Her delicate hand reaching into the folds of her vest to grip tightly the rolled parchment she carried, only she knew the name of the one person they saught to save their family. Not even Rune knew, he simply followed his sister with undying love. Sighing, she too smiled softly at her brother's attempts to comfort her. She knew how difficult it was for him, having to leave when he felt his skills were needed most. She tried to make it tolerable, but that was not hard. Above all else, Rune loved his sister and in the end would have come with her anyway. Appreciative as always, Aspen prayed it was not a lost cause.::