Jacen Silvermoon: The last of a noble bloodline

Name: Jacen Silvermoon

SNs: Jacen Silvermoon, Demonic Jace

Race: Human

Age: 25

Birthdate: March 1st

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 190 lbs.

Eye Color: Jade green

Hair Color: Sandy Brown

Marital Status: Engaged to be wed with his one true love, Nichollette.

Distinguishing marks, scars, etc: Two small, circular scars adorn the nape of his neck. Yet more proof for his undying affection for the vampire mistress. No, Jacen's not a vampire, he's just the bloodbank for one. ::smirk::

Appearance: Jacen is, by appearance, the model playboy. Easily fitting the description "Tall, dark, and handsome," his handsome face, aided by those flawlessly green pools and his often perfect smile has stolen the breath away from many a female. That was then...

A skilled fighter since a remarkably young age, Jacen trained daily; his fear of losing his touch with the art of battle fueling him to keep his body in a state of honed perfection. Though appearing rather lean, and this often mistaken for weak, every muscle of his body well toned and defined, a perfectly working machine of fighting perfection

Attire: Times change, and so must one's appearance. Jacen is normally found these days in a pair of black leather pants, and a black leather vest.

Personality: Having grown up and orphan and, for the most part, alone, Jacen has a very quiet and subtle demeanor about him. Naturally wary of those he does not know, he labels few people as true friends. Though those that have broken beyond this wall have found a very loyal, caring, and compassionate man beneath. Striving to uphold a level of chivalry that has nearly been forgotten in today's society, he is always willing to help those truly in need. Serving his friends with undying loyalty, if any ever needed his aide, Jacen would be at their side immediately, and they all knew it, such was his relationship with them. When in the presence of his betrothed, Nich, his every attention is spent on her, however. Rare was there a time when these two lovers would be together and NOT in some sort of affectionate embrace that only the other would understand.

Weapons: Jacen's primary weapon, his weapon of choice, is his scimitar Joyeux. Once belonging to his father, the sword is his only heirloom. Made of the finest steel, the blade is forged by master smithes. The hilt, made of mithril was inset by a single white sapphire at the base of the hilt. Enchanted before his times, Joyeux can only be wielded by those of the Silvermoon bloodline. Any others who lay hands on it shall be grievously burned by a magic so searing and intense, to keep a grip on this blade is impossible.

His secondary weapon is a longsword made by craftsman excelled in their area of expertise. Mixed in the forges, the blade is forged of both mithril and platinum, being nearly indestructable. Much rather preferring the company of his trusty scimitar, Jacen has had to settle for this blade on more than one occassion. This blade has found it's place once more hanging over the mantle in his study however, as Jacen was recently reuinted with his magical blade Joyeux. Three cheers!

History: Born in a little-known country to the south, Jacen was of the Silvermoon family; a wealhty and powerful icon in the surronding land's society. His father a very successful merchant turned mercanary, he was now retired from both, his feats and accomplishments enough to gain him the rank of noble, and the respect of the countryside. However, Jacen never knew his parents.

When he was still but a babe, the family went set out to visit neighboring countries. While on the road, they were set upon by a band of cutthroats. As his father and his loyal entourage of men engaged the thieves in an epic struggle, his mother, fearing for young Jacen's life, handed her baby to one of her attendents and told her to flee with the child. Barely escaping with her life, the maiden and baby Jacen made it safely back to the town in which the Silvermoon estate resided. No word of any other survivors ever reached the desperately hopeful commonfolk. Not wanting the child to die alone in the streets, discarded like a piece of trash, a scholarly sage adopted the babe and assumed the role of foster-father through Jacen's upbringing.

As Jacen grew older his foster-father one day took him aside and told the lad of his parent's fate. It was believed that all were killed and so, Jacen was the last of the Silvermoon. "The name will be upheld however." The sage said to him. His young mind reeling from all that was being told to him, Jacen watched in stunned silence as his foster-father commanded him to retrieve an item for him out of a chest. As he reached into the chest Jacen pulled out a scimitar, sheathed in its scabbord, only the hilt lay exposed, made of polished steel, it was inset by a white sapphire at the end. "This," the sage spoke, "was your father's scimitar, Joyeux. Believing his adventuring days to have been over, he left this blade back at your estate on that fateful day many years back. I retrieved it for you and have kept it hidden away until you were old enough to understand what this all meant. Joyeux is an enchanted sword, Jacen. Only those of the Silvermoon bloodline can grasp it or touch it in anyway. Anyone not of the family who attempts to wield this blade, will receive a searing pain so great, so intense, their very hands will be scarred and the person will highly regret their folly. It is your's now Jacen. YOU are the last Silvermoon, no one else may wield it but you. It is your blade. It will protect you through many years to come." With this, the sage turned and left the young lad with his mind whirling with many unanswered questions he never knew he had. He had something of his father's...Joyeux and a plain silver ring made of platinum, which once belonged to his mother, were all that he had of his parents.

Jacen had been around the age of 15 when the gift was given to him. Young and rash, determinded to avenge his parents, Jacen ran away, leaving behind the home that had not been his since nearly 15 whole years ago. Traveling the roads for many years to come, he came across many strange and exotic people and places. He quickly grew wise in the ways of the streets and survival, being forced on more than one occassion to use his scimitar. As the years progressed, and the lad turned into a mature young man, as did his fighting skills mature and blossom into one of formidable skill. He spent every year, up to the present, traveling the roads, never staying in more than one town for very long. That was until he came to a quite popular and well-known town in a distant realm. Here, vampires roamed the streets more openly than men. Thousands of adventurers, assassians, hunters, families, mercenaries, and bounty hunters came together and tried to live in co-exsistance. The town was seemingly a world of pure chaos, and yet, somehow, everyone kept up with it and reveled in it. ((Ring a bell fellow "old timers"?))

Occupying the local tavern on many eves, he soon began to recognize many faces. He was a quiet observer, taking note of who was spoken of in awe, in hatred, and out of respect, and by whom. He retained everything he heard, gathering the information for his uses, determined to survive in this world of such various and formidable foes. He was but a human, one of the few it would seem, but he was made of stronger things than a mere human. He had endured the road for years. If there was one thing he learned, it was to survive. He quickly met a few other adventurers, much like himself and their bonds in friendship quickly grew. Staying low in the beginning, avoiding fights he could not havr hope to survive, he spent much of his time plotting on for the next leg of his trek to find his parents killers. His fate had other plans for him it would seem. Jacen quickly become a popular and famaliar figure in the local taverns, and was often seen frequenting them with many friend who happened to be highly feared and respected by the majority of the realm. It was on one of this eves, when he met Nichollette, a vampire mistress of stunning beauty and perfection. In the beginning, he disliked her highly, envious and spiteful of the power and recognition she had. That, combined with her seemingly arrogant attitude towards him, made him even more bitter towards the race that he already despised as it was. Finally, one night, overcoming his prejudices he approahced her in the tavern. They quickly become modest acquaintances. Over time their friendship grew and Jacen learned much about being open-minded towards the other races and to view them as equals instead of him being inferior. Their friendship grew, and with it, a love for the vampire mistress blossomed within the mortal man, and eventually the two confessed their loves for the other. It was then, that Jacen knew that his plans to find his parent's killers was going to have to be put on hold. For the first time in his life, he loved someone, and fortuantely for him, she loved him in return. The two endured much over the monthes and their undying love for each other grew more and more with each passing trial. Then, abruptly, one day Nich was gone. With no sign of her whereabouts, Jacen quickly slipped into a huge fit of depression, not even his dearest friends able to reach him. Without Nich, he was but an empty shell of the man he was supposed to be.

Many days and weeks passed with no indication of Jacen's condition to better when he suddenly received a letter. It was from his love. She had been demanded back to Paris to face a tribune of her elders for her actions against their kind for accosiating with a mortal as she had been. Frantic beyond the point of sane thought, Jacen racked his brain for a way to save her. He simply had to attempt to recuse her, but what could he possibly do against a tribune of elder vampires?! He spent many long, agonizing days trying to fatom an idea, when suddenly, his Nich was returned to him. Relieved beyond belief, Jacen instantly did something he had been planning on doing just as his dearest was taking away from him. He dropped to a knee and proposed to his one true love. She accepted and the two were to be wed within the week. But, as fate would have it, and it did, this was not meant to be.

Jacen, still a little out of it from all his delerious fits, came up with an idea that he was certain would be a perfect gift to give Nich, and if he hurried, he could accomplish it before their wedding date arrived. He had heard rumors of a mysterious island far far to the south where powerful beings lived; beings able to grant incredible powers and abilities to even mere mortals. Apparently having never fully overcoming his inferiority ocmplex, Jacen was convinced that this would solve all of his problems. He would be a power at least equal to those around him, if not greater. Driven by his foolish ambition, he departed at once, with no word of his plans to anyone. He traveled many days with all haste to where this island named Jinnidin, rumored to exsist. Finally reaching his destination, Jacen was confronted with something NOT what he was expecting at all. A massive floating island hovered overa small hilltop. The island was barren and seemed dead. No live plants could be seen on it, and nothing but large, dark flying creatures circled overhead. Perched at the top of the island was a massive fortress, where the magic-wielding creatures had to live. Refusing to give up now, Jacen began the dangerous climb up the underside of the floating island. When he finally reached the top, his hopes were all but crushed. The place looked even less likely to house any live within now that he viewed it from on top of the island. Not willing to accept failure, Jacen proceeded to the fortress and entered. The place was seemingly dead. Not a soul could be seen, not a single person or noise could be heard. Exploring about some, he soon came to an audience chamber with 5 massively large chairs centered about on a raised dias. Seated at the 5 chairs were 5 ferocious, huge creatures. Their skin red, the gaping maws lined with sharp threatening teeth, the bodies one large collection of perfectly toned muscle, these mighty being sat before him, each wearing an evilish grin on their faces. These horried beings were the 5 Jinn, fire demons from Hell that lived on the mortal world and caused much mischief and havoc throughout the realms. The rumors had been true in a sick way. These beings were able to grant powers to those who came to them, if, and only if, the person was to forsake all of their beliefs and worship the Jinn as their ruler instead. Jacen, a man proud of his morals and beliefs, was to have no part in this and immediately turned and fled, knowing he was no match for these beings. Laughing hysterically, the Jinn became quite amused at this. Seeing this all as nothing more than a game, the Jinn decided to toy with the mere mortal. They sent out one of their demonic minions one at a time to hunt the fool down, and kill them on the island before he escaped. Jacen, using his every ounce of strength, agility, wits, and combat skill used every tactic he could to obtain the upperhand over each indiviual beast as it came hunting for him. Running and hiding throughout the barren landscape of the floating island, Jacen ambushed and attacked desperately for his life with the hellish creatures that assaulted him. Receiving many horrible and deep wounds from many of the demons, he bled freely from long gashes done by their claws all over his body. Bleeding and weak, he remained victorious, the sick game continuing for nearly two full days. Finally, just as he was about to escape from the floating island, one of the enraged Jinn came after him, itself. Of course he fell victim to it's superior being and he was quickly subdued. When Jacen awoke, he was bound to an alter back within the fortress, with the 5 Jinns learing over him. Unable to resist their magics, Jacen screamed out in tortured agony as the Jinn cast a spell over him, locking one of the demons within him, and removing his soul, keeping it with them in their fortress. Possessed by one of the 5 Jinn, Jacen now had more than he ever bargained for. He had ultimately gotten his foolish wish, the demon that lay within him could grant him the powers that it so desired, and not only that, but the demon itself could surface at any given time and take total control over his body and his actions. Beind held prisoner within their fortress for many long monthes, Jacen all but withered away. His life seemed at an end. He felt certain he would never again see Nich, and even if he did, he had become so horribly scarred, surely she would not want him. He was totally willing to die in captivity within their fortress, but the Jinn had other plans. Being omniscient, the Jinn knew of his wedding plans. Ever mischievous, they held him well beyond the date passed, causing most if not all of his friends to believe he had died. That was the intent of the Jinn. Finally, the demons released him, allowing him to return back to his home and his friends, though he was by far, not eager to do so. Much had chaged internally and externally for him in the months he had been away.

Since that time, Jacen has made it back to the community he knows so comfortably, and the unsightly scars that he received at the hands of the Jinn were fully healed by his fiance. Jacen then spent many long and tormenting weeks performing, unwillingly, the whim of the Jinn possessed within. Villages were destroyed singlehandedly, lives taken, bars rampaged, all to appease the ever hungry troublesome spirit of the Jinn. Finally, on one fateful day, Jacen was hunted down by the deadly assassin, Hosaka Jenitsu, and the two engaged in an epic battle, one that almost brought the death to them both. Hosaka prevailed against the Jinn, which had emerged to face the challenger, and the assassin managed to exorcise the demon, banishing within the confines of a magical gem which he kept under his own protection. Jacen was saved. Shortly thereafter was the last anyone saw or heard from Jacen, as he mysteriously disappeared once again. This, my friends, is where we leave off. He has just very recently returned once more, though has yet to announce as much to all. His first and foremost task before all that? To see Nich...

The floating island where the Jinn live and Jacen's horrific tale of cat and mouse is set. (Artwork by: Keith Parkinson.)

Friends: Jacen has made a rather close-knit corp of friends, whom he holds very dearly. Nichollette, Talon Silverthorn, Azura Angelbane, Akasha Romanus, Dauthi Watchman, Lu Watchman, Darrian Nightshade, Tiph Nightshade, Katt Faeryfire, and there are others but I can't get them ALL in now can I?

Theme Song(s): None of the songs I've listed for him have ever really, truly captured him fully, and so, for the sake of perfection, he is currently without one until I find one that passes the rigorous requirements.