Alright, Jacen's possessed. ::dramatic "oohs" and "ahs":: Yes, I know. I can't wait to see what will come of this either! Here is his first appearance ever. Surprisingly enough, it was done in Gaming Chat. I scared the pants off some newbie too. You can't tell it, but she was scared as hell. ::smirks:: The first part was emailed to me without the girl in it, but the second half, the half where I scare her up some has her in it. I left in some mun comments for your amusement. ^_^ it is:

Jacen Silvermoon: ::The door opened and the howling winds slammed the door to it's hinges. Rain and lightning thundering down, the cloaked man in the doorway quickly entered and shut the door once more. Stepping into the bar a bit more, he shrugged off the cloak, revealing his scarred face and chest. Claw marks ran like wicked trails across his entire upper body, his lower concealed by black traveling pants. A criss-cross of fresh scars were all the attire his chest needed however. His face shared the appearance of his body. 5 cruel looking scars ran from above his top right eye to his left jawline. ::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Though newly accquired, he was already accustomed to the stares that his wounds brought to him. Long sword strapped to his waist, he shook off the water from his body and looked about. His jade green eyes, normally so clear and alive had a particular haunted look in them and his facial expressions shared the look.::

Jacen Silvermoon: :: Too involved with his own thoughts he quickly moved to a table near the door, sitting to stare out the window at the raging storm going on outside. He glanced about the room only fleetingly, already knowing that none he needed to be concerned with were present. His nervous deamenor suggested something was obviously haunted his thoughts this eve::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::His hands rested shakily on the tabletop and he would occassionally catch himself gripping his hands in tight fists. Frowning fiercely, he slammed his hands, palm down, on the table forcing them to remain still::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Suddenly, without warning, he stood abruptly up from his seat, the chair skidding out from behind him and crashing to the ground. His hands still planted on the table, his head dropped and a low, guttural moan could be heard escaping from the bowels of his stomach.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Wincing at some unseen pain he shook his head violently:: obvious struggle being torn through his body, he gasped out each word. Every muscle in his body quivering with exertion, sweat forming and beginning to glisten and his naked torso, he slammed the tabletop with his open palms repeatedly, trying to subdue the inevitable. His jade eyes glanced about frantically, desperate for any sign of hope, of stopping the transformation that was overtaking his very being::.

Jacen Silvermoon: ::His voice varying from a deep, low groan unlike any sound ever made from a mortal being before, back to his frenzied voice sparaticlly he let out one final scream before the demon that had laid dorment within his body prior to this point tore to the surface with one howling screech::

Tiph Nightshade: ::Tiphareth strolled over to her hammock, having missed it lately, not really finding much time to lounge around in it like she had before, and flopped unceremoniously down, lacing her delicate fingers through the thatched cloth, lying on her side and staring boredly about the sorry little room. The glowing twins were slightly pained, though she wore no expression on her face, her view affixed on Jacen, watching and waiting in slightly disbelieving curiosity::

Demonic Jace: ::With one last terrifying scream, Jacen Silvermoon was overcome by the powerful Jinn. His eyes blazed a ferocious fiery red, his hair instantly became a brilliant shade of red and spiked straight up. His skin took a reddish tint as his nails grew out into nasty claws::

Demonic Jace: ::Slamming through the table with one effortless pound of his openpalmed hands he let out another ferocious yell, slavia dripping from his teeth, a frenzied and possessed look in his red, pupilless eyes::

Demonic Jace: ::Gripping the edge of one of the broken halves of the table, the demon flung it with ease slicing through the air to crash into the shelves of bottles that lined the wall behind the bar::

Tiph Nightshade: ::She blinked, having heard about this before.. but not seeing it up until now. Still lounging as if at perfect ease, and in part she was, for hardly a being around this place could even dare to touch her, let alone cause her any harm. She was not worried

Tiph Nightshade: much at all about a demon, though her thoughts did drift off for a moment to her friend, whom at this moment was in all likelihood still living in her own little

Tiph Nightshade: world of forced solitude, almost caged up in her cathedral, of her own free will, and Tiph was all but helpless to coax her out anymore::

Demonic Jace: ::Turning to face the other patrons of the bar, the demon let out another ear-splitting yell and drops to a low crouch, leg muscles tensing as though about to pounce::

Tiph Nightshade: ::One leg hung dangling over the hammock's side, she crossed toned arms slowly over her chest, rolling onto her back, her eyes still lingering over the possessed man, perpetually radiating their poison into the air around her, so that a slight level of toxicity was beginning to gather. A few perfect locks of mahogany found their way down through the thatching and hung silken, reaching to the floor::

Demonic Jace: ::His fiery red orbs fell upon Raven and a animalistic snarl echoed throughout the bar and a bloodthirsty grin crossed his face. His mouth snapping open and shut, the salivia dripping teeth gnashed the air::

SanguinePrncess: ::sighs and looks at the demon thinking to herself and this was her night off not to have to kill anyone smiles at Jace::

SanguinePrncess: easy there fella

SanguinePrncess: ::watches the demon carefully::

SanguinePrncess: ::starts to finish her carving in the table::

Demonic Jace: ::With an effortless bound of his coiled muscles, the possessed man was in the air, crashing onto the table Raven sat at and promptly crashing through it. Landing on it's feet, the demon let out another ferocious yell directly in her face, spittle flying from the demonic man's mouth.::

Demonic Jace: ::With a snarl the demon sent the back of his hand arcing through the air with such lightning reflexes, she had virtually no time to react, it all happening so fast. With another screeching yell, this one with an almost victorious note to it, the possessed man pivoted sharply and leapt once more, crashing through another table, this one unoccupied, again landing on his feet with ease::

SanguinePrncess: :::stands up quickly and draws her broad sword::SanguinePrncess: I don't know what the hell you are friend but what ever it is your wanting your barking up the wrong tree here

Demonic Jace: ::Turning to face the sword wielding female, his blazing eyes boring into her very soul, the demon let out a loud, sinister sounding laugh, like the voices of the damned all coming together to in one mingling voice::

Tiph Nightshade: ::She looked at the sorry little.. woman (I guess?) and smirked, and then a few short moments later, all of her attention that she had been willing to waste was spent, and she looked back to "Jacen" or should we say the Jinn, again once more. She sighed inwardly, dreading telling Nich about all of this, wishing hopelessly that there was some way to spare her feelings, but keeping her in the dark, no matter how much safer that might make her, was something Tiphareth simply could not do::

Demonic Jace: ::Furious beyond belief, the possessed man leapt up to the rafters and clung to them by all fours, snarling down at Raven. It's demonic gaze moving from Raven to Tiph, he let out another long snarl before skittering with perfect balance across the beams::

SanguinePrncess: ::::watches the demon in the rafters :::

Tiph Nightshade: ::Tiphareth rose from her "lazy" seat in the hammock slowly and hardened her features until they seemed to be chiseled of pure stone, never taking her eerie depths of alien death from the Demon, who was watching her now. She smirked lightly, having an amusing thought, something along the lines of her never having vowed to kill this Jacen..but before doing anything rash, she moved to lean against the closest wall, and wait in calm, uncaring silence::

Demonic Jace: ::Reaching the end of the rafter, the demon dropped to the groud, landing in a crouching position, with a crash. Jumping with demonic speed to it's feet once more, a small crater could be seen from the being's landing. With another loud inhuman scream, he slashed into the vertical support beam, connecting the rafters::

Demonic Jace: ::It's wicked claws tearing into the beam like a hot knife through butter, the demon tore through the beam with ease. Frenzied by it's own actions, the demon didn't stop there. Gripping both clawed hands about the pole, the possessed man ripped it from it's fastenings. The central beam being torn to shreds by the demon, the rest of the rafters began to creak ominously::

Demonic Jace: ::The rafters came crashing down, their support foundation horribly torn to pieces. With no rafters left to hold the roof up, it quickly began to groan in protest to it's lack of support. Cracks began to run along the concrete ceiling as the demon simply stood below it and laughed it's sinister laugh in amusement::

Tiph Nightshade: ::Tiph brought up one leg and set that foot flat against the wall, knee bent in front of her and the powerful muscles slightly more defined by the position. She smirked lightly at the creaking beams and softly muttered:: This could get interesting... ::But though nothing would betray her outward appearance, Tiph longed for home, Darrian, and her infant son, and fretted inwardly, still playing the part of a soldier even after all of this time and everything that had transpired to coax her into an actual person. Why oh why could she just simply not have the much despised, boring old "normal" life?.. But nothing about her was normal, and though less informed people might have reason to think themselves jealous, and envy her exotic existence, truth be told that she loathed it, and craved all that they took for granted::

Demonic Jace: ::Grabbing the huge, broken, support beam the possessed man hurls it with ease up to the centermost point of the ceiling, causing the last straw needed to send the precarious roof crashing to the floor. The demonic man simply stared up at the falling ceiling with pure horrific delight, making no attempts to run for cover from it's massive weight::

Tiph Nightshade: ::Tiphareth muttered something softly, in her alien tongue, the syllables were heated and had a strange, hypnotic rhythm. Upon completion her entire form began to shimmer and quake violently, though her face remained perfectly placid, as if she was standing in the calm eye of the storm and completely careless as to her situation. All of this went by in a matter of a few short moments and she disappeared safely before any of the ceiling could come down and crush her::

Demonic Jace: ::The massive, broken shards of the concrete ceiling came crashing down on top of the possessed being and the rest of the bar as well. A huge cloud of dust and pebbles of concrete flew up into the air, momentarily obscuring the demon from sight. When the smoke cleared, there lay the true Jacen Silvermoon, in a heap amid the rubble.:: Demonic Jace: ::Unconscious,, the man was obviously reverted back to his true form once again. The Jinn, being a mischievious demon, played on last finally joke on it's host before retreating once more deep within him. Releasing his hold over the accursed, the demon left the mortal being to bear witness to the destruction he had done in his name::
