You have just entered room "Sleepy Dwarf Inn."

Typhuun has entered the room.

Jacen Silvermoon: ::The warm spring breeze blowing down the deserted street, leaves and other loose debris scattered at it's touch. The moon having risen long ago, it cast it's pale light down upon the seemingly sleeping town; but there was a place where the stalwart few who chose to be up at this time gathered, and it was at this place that Jacen now occupied. The wind catching a poorly hinged shutter, it banged against the pane, causing the companionless patron to lift his attention from his beverage. His jade eyes glancing about the room, Jacen noted he was one of the few here who was even still conscious. Many others had already passed out, sprawled atop their tables, their mugs still in their hands. A small handful few occupied one corner, gathered around a small round table, speaking in low whispers. Their nervous glances suggested that whatever it was that they discussed was not something they wished overheard. The barmaid, meanwhile, deftly dodged the roaming hands of those few she still served, as the bartender lazily wiped down the worn counter with a dirty rag. All in all, typical bar room behavior. Taking the full scene in with one idle pass-over, Jacen sighed quietly as he drummed his fingers over the counter. True, it was not as if he expected anything different, but a bit of excitement in this dull establishment would have been more to his tastes. His gaze falling on the solid oak door that served as the portal into this dingy, smoked filled tavern, he hoped, and almost prayed that something would walk through that door that would add some spice.::

Typhuun: ::It was one of those exquisite nights that fall in the short span of time between late spring and early summer. The night air was not particularly hot, but neither was it cold. It had rained earlier that week, and thus the night sky was perfectly clear; the rain having washed away the pollutants that usually hung above the city like a hazy gray shroud. The clouds had long since been blown away to the east, leaving the atmosphere as an open window through which the earth was illuminated by the wondrous lights of heaven. A shooting star flashed across the sky, daring whatever young child who saw it to make a wish. The night was truly perfect. Unfortunately, Typhuun was not in any position to experience it. He was trapped in idle conversation with a strange-looking and obviously drunk dwarf, who was babbling away on completely random subjects that would soon bore Typhuun literally to death. After awhile, Typhuun had ceased to listen to the dwarf's words, hearing only an endless stream of sound. He noticed a few crumbs of meat stuck to the dwarf's beard, as though he was saving them for a midnight snack. The door creaked open, and Typhuun was surprised to see a familiar face. Jacen Silvermoon, an old acquaintance. While he was not exactly a friend, Typhuun was sure that he would be more than adequate company. He gave the dwarf a few more moments of his time, then mumbled something about an old friend and hastily slipped away. By now Jacen had settled into the tavern, but had given no indication that he had noticed him yet. He was looking strangely at the door, as though he was expecting company. Typhuun took a few quick steps over to him, tapping him lightly on the shoulder:: Excuse me, Jacen Silvermoon?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Feeling the gentle tap upon his shoulder, Jacen slowly swiveled upon his stool to regard the man. His eyes raising to look upon the man, a slight squint creased his brow as if trying to place where he recognized the visage. Yes, perhaps he had seen this man from time to time, but he did not know him nearly well enough to have a name to associate with him. Apparently, this was not the case in return. Though his hands remained calmly dangling at his sides, his elbows resting back on the bar counter, he was more than within easy grasping distance of his enchanted scimitar, Joeyux, which hung at his hip. There had once been a period of his life when virtually all who approached him had been assassination attempts, and though that was long past, Jacen was not one for taking such a foolish risk. Regarding the man, he answered to his name with a curt nod and an polite, but distant look of mild curiosity.:: Yes, that would be me.

Typhuun: ::Typhuun breathed an inward sigh of relief, glad he had gotten the name right. To tell the truth, he had not been quite sure it was him - there were so many faces from the old days that blended together in his mind. He had been away from the realm for some time, and upon his return he had found everything to be quite different. Many of the old faces were gone, having been replaced by young blood that usually couldn't hold a candle to the old-timers, both in skill and in the overall level of interest they inspired. Thus, meeting one of the famous figures from his pre-Rhydin days was a refreshing breath of fresh air. He nodded to Jacen, answering in a pleasant voice:: I don't know if you remember me, my name is Typhuun. I used to frequent these taverns quite often; we might have met once or twice. ::He made it quite clear through his tone and demeanor that he meant Jacen no harm. Not that he would have been eager to attack him if he did; Jacen's scimitar looked quite deadly, and as Typhuun was currently without a sword, he would have only his tail blade as a weapon if he were to engage in battle:: Care for a drink? ::He asked directly and without any hint of an ulterior motive, asking only because he was genuinely bored, and wanted a companion who would not bore him to tears. He earnestly hoped Jacen would take him up on the offer::

Jacen Silvermoon: Ah yes, I remember you now. I believe we might have met briefly before, yes. I thought you looked familiar. ::He offered a polite smile and motioned for the old acquaintance to have a seat.:: As for the drink, no I am well taken care of here. The tender owes me big time. ::With a rueful smirk, he turned to his attention to the tender.:: Isn't that right? ::Chuckling, shaking his head, amused with the dwarves grumpy mutterings, Jacen then turned back to Typhuun.:: So, what brings you here this late? Surely not the company.... ::Glancing out over the crowd once more, he could do nothing but release another sad sigh and took a swig of his drink.::

Typhuun: ::He chuckled at Jacen's remark, looking out over the crowd again, wondering why in the hell he had come here in the first place, but now glad he had done so.:: Certainly not the company. I actually don't know why I came here; it might have been to get drunk, actually. ::He shrugged, looking around again.:: I'm a little late in that regard; most of these fellows are pretty wasted already. ::He sighed as well, obviously sharing Jacen's sentiments in regards to the other patrons.:: Sometimes this place holds a strange attraction, especially when I'm particularly bored. Fortunately though, I just found something that could solve that little problem. ::Suddenly he looked up, as though he was suddenly seeing Jacen in a new light. Perhaps this man could help him on the journey he was about to embark on. Hopefully Jacen was a man who liked adventure. Most men did. He decided not to come straight out and ask, however. Rather, he would see if Jacen was intrigued by the remark he had already made, and would continue from there if it seemed he was.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Intrigued he was. ::Raising a brow, he regarded the man curiously.:: Oh? ::A knowing smile crossed his features. After countless years of travel on the road, he knew quite well the signs of a man who was about to "make an offer you couldn't refuse". After all these years, he still could not help but perk up a little more when these signs were given. Jacen was definitely a man of adventure, and he had just recently been thinking that was exactly what he needed. A chance to clear the cobwebs in his mind and get himself out of his own head. What better opportunity than adventure? Leaning forward slightly, he waved away the tender who strode over to refill his mug, his attention solely on proposition now.:: You sound like you're about to get into some potential trouble. Heh, anything good?

Typhuun: ::Typhuun drew yet another inner sigh of relief, although no change was evident on his features. This was shaping up to be more than perfect. He had entered the tavern expecting nothing, and had out of nowhere been given not only an interesting conversation, but a possible companion for his journey as well. He decided to make the most out of this opportunity. He straightened his posture, setting his arms on the table and looking at Jacen for a moment before continuing:: Well you see, lately I've been nosing around in the library, not really looking for anything, but just sorta browsing, you know. Anyway, I was reading through this one book; supposedly a fictional account of a journey some men made a number of years ago. Now here's the good part. . . ::He paused for a moment to think of the best way to phrase his next few words.:: While reading the book, I got a funny feeling. It was a feeling I haven't gotten very often. It was like I was inside the author's mind, and I had his memories. And they were true. The book was a true story. I know it sounds strange, but it really did happen.

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Jacen nodded with complete understanding. Such things had happened to him before, and he knew better than to scoff at it as if a diluted man's dream. The fish had taken the bait. Jacen was now fully interested, knowing that something promising was bound to come next. That tingle of excitement that spawned in his stomach, but slowly began to ebb out to tingle through every limb of his body was already forming. His hands began to collect small beads of perspiration and he began to chew on his lip. All signs of that growing initial adrenaline which always came before a grand adventure. His attention focused on Typhuun, he listened intently.::

Typhuun: ::Typhuun continued on, seeing as how Jacen was clearly intrigued by the story, perhaps even excited about its possibilities.:: The story was about a nautical expedition in the mid Atlantic. I don't remember the exact location, but the book had the coordinates, and I could always go back and check. Anyway, they found this island. Apparently there is a cave somewhere on that island that leads to a vast treasure buried deep underground. The exact location is hidden; I think you have to follow some kind of clues to get there, I don't really remember. Anyway, apparently this party followed the clues and reached the treasure. However, they were chased off by some kind of guardian. It's all very confusing, and the fact that it's written in Spanish doesn't exactly help, either. But it definitely sounds intriguing, and I have a good feeling about this, like it really is true. ::He stopped, waiting to hear Jacen's reaction before he continued::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Jacen's face brightened visibly at the prospect and he quickly shook away any of his comrade's doubts.:: Maybe it is, maybe it's not, but are you willing to risk missing out on such a treasure? I know I'm not. Besides, the travel alone sounds like an adventure in itself! I say we seek this fabled island out and see what we find. Obviously, you wouldn't have brought any of this up if you weren't thinking the same thing, so what do you say? ::He flashed one of his classic, roguish grins.:: Need a partner for this escapade?

Typhuun: ::Typhuun grinned. This was more than he could have hoped for. He answered Jacen with brightness and enthusiasm in his voice.:: Absolutely. I wasn't sure I wanted to tackle such a quest alone, particularly if that guardian thingy turns out to be true. Besides, having a partner along will make it much more fun. I'm all for it, if you are. All we need is a bit of money to rent a boat and buy some supplies, and then we're all set. I see you already have a weapon, so it looks like you're pretty good to go. ::He nodded, indicating Joyeux.:: I currently am without a real weapon, but I'm sure I can find one around somewhere.

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He nodded eagerly with everything Typhuun said, his mind already racing as images of high seas adventure flashed through his head.:: My friend, you've come to the right man for funds. Not only did my family leave me with stunning good looks, but I'm wealthy too. The boat will be no problem. Leave that one to me, and any supplies, weapons, or other equipment you need, let me know and I'll have it in no time. ::That sparkle of excitement was evident in his jade green orbs as he eagerly made the plans for departure. As if struck suddenly with a brick, all his excitement and eagerness seemed to skid to a halt. A somber look fell upon his features and he let out a soft, "oh..." as his gaze lowered to the ground for a moment. Taking some time before speaking again, when he did his voice was a soft and strained; hardly more than a whisper.:: There's something I absolutely must take care of before I head out though....::He cut himself off, realizing he was saying more than was really needed. Forcing that confident smile back to his face, he again seemed as though he was the care-free and more than ready adventurer.:: It won't take me any time at all though, and then I'll be all set. By tomorrow, if you are ready by then, and God willing, we will be at the port.

Typhuun: ::The possibilities were already becoming real to Typhuun; the thoughts of treasure and high-seas adventure almost tangible. For the first time these things were actually within his reach. He snapped out of his dream world as Jacen suddenly grew crestfallen, and he looked over to his new friend.:: Take as much time as you need. I'm ready to leave whenever you are. You think you'd be ready to leave by tomorrow? ::He noticed Jacen's enthusiasm had seemingly returned. He didn't know what business it was that he needed to take care of, but it was clearly important, and he didn't want to rush Jacen into anything.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::With a reassuring nod and a wave of his hand, he dismissed his newly accquired ally's concern.:: I'm quite sure. It won't take me long at all. Just can't leave my friends wondering where I've disappeared off to. Heh, I've done that to them too many times. I don't think they appreciate it too much. That's all. I'll be ready by tomorrow for sure. ::He clapped his hands together, and rubbed them eagerly, the gleam of excitement clear in his eyes once more.:: In fact, I should probably get started on making arrangments for a vessel. If you need anything, anything at all, let me know now, and I'll see what I can do..

Typhuun: ::Typhuun nodded, relief washing over him. He had thought that Jacen had some urgent business he needed to take care of, but if it was only the writing of a few letters, it wouldn't take long at all. They would be able to leave the next day fairly easily. He thought for a moment. Since his friend had offered, he felt no reluctance to ask for what he knew they would need.:: Um, this is sorta embarrassing, but a few months ago, I was in a spar with a certain Gabriel Archangel, or something like that. In that battle, my sword was stolen by Darrian Nightshade. If it isn't too much to ask, could we stop by a weapons shop and pick one up? Also, it'd be best to have bows and arrows. We can't be too cautious.

Jacen Silvermoon: Tell you what. Tomorrow, we'll meet back right here at noontime, and I'll have not just any sword for you, my friend. I know a certain metalsmith who is quite handy with enchantments. ::He gave his own blade a pat and smiled knowingly.:: As for the other supplies, I'll bring plenty of gold tomorrow, and we'll get it all then. Agreed?

Typhuun: ::Typhuun extended his hand towards Jacen:: Agreed. ::He smiled again. How unexpected this all was. Only an hour ago, this had all been just a dream to him. Now it was becoming a reality. He was finally about to do what most every boy had always dreamed: to set sail for adventure, the wind behind him, the horizon before him. It seemed like a pleasant dream he never wanted to awaken from.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He took the man's hand in his own and shook it firmly. A grin splayed wide across his face, he turned and headed for the door, tossing the tender a coin more than ample to cover his tab. He hummed a soft tune as he reached the door, a slight bounce could be seen in his step. Like that of a boy about to enter a candy shop. Turning back to face Typhuun, he gave one last cheerful wave and was out the door.::

Typhuun: ::He smiled strangely to himself, looking dreamily at the door for a few moments after Jacen had left. After a minute or two, he regained himself, and began to replace his fantasies with the reality of planning this expedition. He began to form a list of the needed supplies in his head, pondering over logistics as he rose to his feet. He gave the tavern one last look-over, then almost danced his way out the door::
