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Sage Whiteflame: ::From head to toe, the Wizard, Sage, had every appearance of a great warrior. But today, he was to meet with an even greater warrior. Considering it an overwhelming honor, most definitely, was his thoughts. Appearance carried out as, boots of and icey blue, slacks, of pure white, and a shirt, combined with both of these colors. Wavy, and yet, stylish mix of hair, he had had, which also was a blueish sight. Waiting there on this man, he pulled to golden chairs, and set at one. The other, for Jacen Silvermoon.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Having been interuppted from his lunch at the local tavern by a messenger, Jacen soon found himself in the halls of rather large building. Being told the man he sought was at the end of the hall, the echoing sounds of his polished boots could be heard off the marble walls. His jade green eyes sharp and alert, he scanned the intersecting corridors, wary for the unexpected. Hardly alarmed, or concerned, he was simply cautious, and so his hand rested easily upon the mithril hilt of his enchanted scimitar. Pausing ouside a large closed oak door, his free hand rapped on the barrier. Running his hand casually through his short sandy brown locks, Jacen then took a respectful step back, stand with his shoulders out, his back straight, his head raised and level; ever a man of pride.::

Sage Whiteflame: ::Those retinas of pure whitefire, shimmering throughout that substanical air around him, from the AC that had chilled the room a bit. ::Hearing the sound of a man entering, he had simply waled to the door, being cautious as well. A gloved hand reaching for that ridged golden handle below, as it made contact, he slight twisted to the left with his left hand. As the door began to slide open, a great appearance in front of him:: You must be Jacen? ::With that, he arose his left hand pointing to the chair.:: Please, sit, let's discuss this.

Jacen Silvermoon: ::His eyes made a quick pass-over of the room before quickly locking in on the only other man present. Giving a single nod in response the his question, Jacen strode into the room, headed for the mentioned chair. His eyes never leaving the other, he sat. His psoture was that of one who had many years of ettiquette training. He did not slouch, nor lean back in the seat, but instead was calmly assessing the man who stood before him.:: You wished to speak to me. ::He did not ask, but instead stated the simple truth, wasting no time in getting to the point.::

DrakonisXantelis: :And the one known as Drakonis, silently stands, within the shadows, a coy grin across his face. Where he came form was unknown, but he tended to do that. Show up at the most in opportune times. Having to plans to interrupt the meeting he simply just awaits in the darkness, a silent observer, perhaps interested in the Whiteflames, however more likely then not, just curious and nothing more. He crosses his arms across his steel covered chest, and from the corner of the glowing sapphire portals he watches the two, silk like strands of Darkness caressing his pale flesh:: And what's this hmm? ::he spoke in a soft inaudible tone, melodic and haunting as a rose materialize with in his grasp, crimson in it's color::

Sage Whiteflame: Yes, as matter of fact, Mr. Silvermoon, I most definitely wanted to talk to you about a matter. ::Noticing the cautious gaze from Jacen, he smiled a bit.:: I am no one to be cautious of, sir. ::With that he began to speak about the matter that needed out.:: Well, sir, over the years, I have seen your talent, your expertise, your skills in battle, over all. So, I will get to the point. ::Both right and left arms, slightly swaying up and down in that fashonable manner as he spoke his words.:: Mr. Jacen Silvermoon, I would be honored to have you a part of our loyal, yet, careful clan. We will be trying our best to get loyal allies as well, some you may know. Along the lines of the "Darkhaven" groups, and the "Xantelis" army. So, are you interested? Is it of anything that may interest you at all, to say the least?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Another man, seeming to step from the shadows themselves, appeared in the corner behind Sage's back. His jade orbs narrowing as he watched the newcomer, assessing the unexpected addition to the meeting, before looking back to Sage, but careful to keep Drakonis in the corner of his vision. His words were calm, assured.:: Is this how you conduct business matters? Attempting to shake up the other with little surprises perhaps? ::He leaned back into his chair, his hands touching together, fingers pressed to their opposite pair.:: As for caution, I shall determine when and where I use it, but if you mean to suggest I needn't fear you.... ::a thin smile that could not be described any other way but smug spread across his face.::...the thought never crossed my mind. ::His gaze turned to Drakonis once more, his visage betraying no hint of emotion as he met the man's stare for a short moment, almost as if silently daring this newcomer to attempt something. Jacen's comment on Sage planning such an act in attempt to shake up his company was merely for show. In truth, he figured that Sage had not expected the addition to this meeting anymore than he, and was interested to see just what Sage would do if things got out of hand and his potential recruit was attacked.::

Sage Whiteflame: ::Listening to those words that the man in front of him spoke he began to shake his head in confusion, and then gazing back to this newcomer's retina view. Staring to Drakonis, and yet speaking to Jacen Silvermoon he began.:: I have yet to meet this man, Chaus has told much about him, very sly, perhaps, making his away amongst those many shadows amongst the structure that were not lighted. I have yet to find out. Mind, explaining, Drakonis?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Silently contemplating over the enigmic man's words, Jacen gave a single respectful nod back in return. The man wanted nothing more than to protect the things most precious to him. Jacen understood such emotions well. A seasoned veteran of many battles himself, Jacen too did not actually prefer war. Again, Jacen understood. Though different in many respects, he felt certain similarities to this silent man, and thought that perhaps if the need ever arose, they would fight on the field of battle side by side, rather than against one another. Turning his attention once more to Sage, he settled back comfortably into his chair.:: That explains that. Apparently some feel the need to watch over you. I find that interesting, but not altogether relevant to your proposal. You needn't go any further with it, I know my answer already. No. No, I will not join your clan.

Sage Whiteflame: ::Glancing right through that smirking presence, hearing those unified words come from Drakonis' mouth, the White Wizard began to speak.:: Mr. La kira, I wish no harm in any way to your family. You are merely mistaking me for a mad man, in which I am not. Forming the "Whiteflame" clan, was an intention for the good. In creating this honored group, I sought one thing. Not to destroy, as you assume, but to protect the innocent in all matters. Whether it be psychological help, or even battle. I will be side by side with these victims of such terrifying beasts. By glancing to you, I do not even attempt to set you or any of your friends, in this "beast" category. ::With that, he turned his attention again to Jacen, calmly sitting to his chair, below.:: Also one more thing, Drakonis. Whether you and your people accept my offer or not, I am on your side, and you will become more aware of that as the years pass. Okay, Jacen, I understand fully and respect your decision.

DrakonisXantelis: ::that silence remained unbroken at the man's comments. Sage was a close friend of Chaus, who also claimed to be doing good, yet tired to turn him against one of his closest friends, with simple, flat out lies, and how many times must Drakonis say or thing that old saying, Birds of a Feather flock together. He returns the nod to Jacen, before again turning his attention to Sage:: My family is my soul, sir, what I draw my power upon, and balance it upon, if something was to happen, Deus Servo

Jacen Silvermoon: ::The others seeming to have their own issues to discuss, and Jacen's own business having been taken care of, as far as he was concerned, he planted his hands on the edges of the arm rests and pushed himself from the chair.:: Well, my associates, I believe that my involvement here is at an end. If there's nothing else.....::He waited a moment before finishing, his gaze slowly drifting from one to the other.::

Sage Whiteflame: ::Those whitefire eyes, gazing back and forth to each figure alongside him, as he began to speak..:: Yes, I have a question. What made you have such a sudden response, so quickly? Mind explaining? ::With that, he began to set comfortably in that golden leather chair against his back side. Resting his palms upon the back of his skull as a soft pillow, if you will..::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He could feel the hint of impatience start to creep into him, but he took a slow breath, forcing himself to remain calm. After all, this man did not know Jacen well, how could he be expected to understand? The man was owed an explanation. Clasping his hands together behind his back, he stood before the desk.:: You see, I have traveled the roads and have faced many peril over the years. There is nothing I can find more important during those times than a reliable weapon, ::with this he gave a fond pat to his enchanted scimitar, which always hung at his waist.:: and trustworthy friends. During such times, that friendship is truly put to the test, and one learns where he can or can not place his faith and trust. I have seen the workings of many, many guilds, and I do not trust them any farther than I can throw them. They speak of brotherhood and unity, but it is nothing more than politics and power hungry leaders, manipulating their followers. I have never believed the cause of any guild, or clan, I have ever encountered to be righteous and just, thus, you shall never find me apart of one. I prefer, instead, the close knit "family", if you will, that is developed between personal friends, after years of testing their friendship through the heat of combat. The ones closest to me, the ones that I fight alongside willingly and with undying love, those that have already proven themselves to me, they are with whom I fight. They are my clan. I need no others.

DrakonisXantelis: ::aye, clans, how right was Jacen's explanation. Although he was technically a member of the Xantelis, his loyalty for the clan only ran so deep, resting more with in the Darkhaven Family that he served as a friend for so long. He at last stepped from the shadows and nodded first to Jacen, then to Sage, speaking to each of them in turn:: Sage, I still am to watch you, in my many years I have learned those who desire to help humanity are often more dangerous to it then those who wish to destroy it. And Lord Silvermoon, I wish you best tidings in the future, good luck in life, and love, always keeps your honor within your soul and your blade at you side, for you, thus far seem to be one of the few who truly fit into the role of warrior ::with is final words, the Magick flames of Indigo enveloped his frame, and he vanished from the room::

Sage Whiteflame: ::Hearing both the men speak he began to look to that wooden floor below those boot soles of his.:: Well, gentlemen, I must say it was a pleasure, but as this meeting ends, I will no longer exist. Maybe create a lost shadow of some sort in that deafening void. I haven't the slightest clue as to where I will actually be, but I know this. For centuries, I was locked into that oval glass ball of that evil hag. Years later, now, for instance, Chaus came to my aid, and rescued me. But I was amongst that Witch's power for so long, that I do not live as a normal being any longer. I became so immune to that small glass space of hers, that I can not stand this open area. Literally. Good bye both. You will most likely never see me ever again. ::With that, he vanished in that white puff of smoke so quickly, never to be seen where he was going, but he was long gone by now. For sure.

::And with that, Jacen suddenly stood alone in the office. Blinking back the shock, he mulled over the last comments of each man. He found Sage's last comments to be disturbing. Perhaps his convicted refusal had affected the man in a way Jacen was not meaning for it to? Perhaps he was being tormented with guilt, for perhaps he truly wasn't with as good causes as he claimed? Jacen shrugged. It could be anything, and to dwell on the event as if he had caused it would prove nothing. He had simply come to conduct business, and now that business was over. Taking one last look around the empty room, he couldn't help but look upon it as some sort of final resting point for the sage. Muttering aloud, as if any could here, he spoke softly.:: Good bye... ::With that, he turned and left.::

Sage Whiteflame: ::That voice rang throughout that glass crystal ball that dwelled upon, for Sage heard the voice of Jacen, and could make out his mind. As some sort of fiery substance filled the air around Jacen, as if telling Jacen, he COULD hear and he DID hear…..::