Beory is located
in the northwesternmost point of Mersaim, isolated from the rest of the
continent by marshes and swamps, and the very mountains it rests within.
The fortress overlooks the Sea of the Westwinds and stands sentry against
the water drakes and dragons that inhabit the waves.
The fortress is
very old, and was originally inhabited
by a garrison made up of several races, but is now run by elven Lord Morlian.
It is very isolated, and has had very little contact with the rest of
the continent. The fortress is always ready for attack from, the south
and west, for the swamps at the foot of the mountains are home to bands
of goblin and orc maurauders.
Newcomers are held
in suspicion here, but are treated fairly. Lord Morlian believes in the
addage “Innocent until proven guilty”, but many of his people do not.