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The water takes my breath as I enter the sea
I dive into the depths to forget about me

Plunging to the bottom the water so cold
Gaining in speed to release the ground's hold

Memories that crashed like the ship on the ocean floor
Into my mind they open the secret locked door

Selfish and angry ever striving to be alone
Swimming through a shipwreck now I am home

Never is it lost the reason I am here
Always within me the image ever clear

I hear my heart pounding when will it cease?
I know it is broken and in need of release

But still it beats on pumping the flow
Of my life's waters to the folly of my foes

Here I keep it all beneath water's fiersome waves
Here in the murky sand out of the light of the day

The taste of the water like tears from my eyes
When I walk upon the earth in my brilliant disguise
~Raven Blues


Poetry provided by Raven's Poetry Pages

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