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Images From My TMNT/SK Crossover

From Gravity of Love Donatello convinces Felicia that they are friendly and they won't hurt her

From Gravity of LoveDonatello and Felicia go to the World Trade Center and this is basically where they fall in love

From He Giveth and He Taketh Away After losing Felicia to the government, the only thing that he has to remember her by is their daughter, Sango

From Mutants Are People Too! Sango has a really cute outfit that she wears throughout the fic.

From How Can You Forgive Me?Sango sits by herself one night and looks at herself in sadness because of all the scars that she has on her body from the government lab.

From How Can You Forgive Me? A cute picture of Sango after she gets her wraps from Michelangelo. She's around the age of 17 here.

A nice picture of Sango attacking her father Donatello with a big hug

Picture are copyrighted to Sango please do not use without persmission!