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Hello. My name is Skot. Welcome to the Museum of My Soul. I hope you enjoy your visit. Feel free to look around. Inside, you will find some artwork, stories, opinions and other little pieces of me.

I am required to inform you that this site contains material which may be unsuitable, objectionable or offensive to children and Christians.

Last Upd@te: 09.25.05
Well, after much anticipation by probably no one but me, the "Metal For Idiots" section is now finished! It includes some pictures of the 'band' and a fake interview that you might find amusing at the least. And on top of all that, I have decided to make the entire CD available for download at the bottom of the page!! I am considering putting all of the songs I have for each chapter on here too, so there'll be all kinds of stuff to download by the time I'm done. Of course, that'll mean linking 40 different Angelfire accounts to do it, but so what??

Also check out the Comic Relief section as I've added a new picture there too.

There is now a new section open containing some guitars that I have customized and refinished. I figured, "Hey, all this talk about guitars and there are no pictures??"

Stay tuned for more updates

Choose your fire and jump in. Thanks for visiting.

The Hall of Femme
Other Works
In My Opinion...
The Autobiography
Tribte to the late great Cliff Burton (Fiction)
Comic Relief