Random Quotes

Kate (to Jeff): act your age not your dick size Jeff (in response to Kate): WHORE! SLUT! SLUT-FUCKER! DIE!

Liz (at 3am):I don't think i have enough socks...to shove in all your mouths, for the fucking love of god fucking shut up!!

Matt Green: I am dancing round my room to shake your bootie...its a study break. If my parents walked in on me grooving to oldies but goodies CD's i think they would commit me to a mental house

Gelman: I know it was illegal but they could've at least been nice about it.

Marty: if i was a girl i would molest myself.

Andrew Muro: Andrew is a privilege, not a right.

Andrew Muro: A hand job's a man's job, so a blow job is your job.

Marty: roll call, her name is liz, she works that biz, she gets the guys, cause she likes to siz.

Kate: Liz can we say something about this suitcase.... the tag says CLT and I thought it said CLIT.

Paul: damn... you have all these smart friends that go to smart schools and you go here? Couldn't you learn through osmosis or something?

Liz: you know you've been reading psych too long when you see the word 'organism'and you think it said 'orgasm'Kate: liz, that's not cuz of psych, that's cuz of you.

Pat:theres not enough estrogen in the world to turn me straight.

Marty: yea well its still disheartening to know you are attractive to gay guys Liz: just means you have more options.

Kristen: Pahk the cah in Hahvahd yahd and give the guy a quahta.

Susan: I've learned that you can't make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in

Liz: I'm sure if it had been a bigger shark you'd be scared Ryan: Well yeah...if it was big enough to eat me...but a one foot shark probably has jaws barely big enough for my thumb Liz: I guess that means you have a big thumb Ryan: There you go with youre fat jokes.

Gelman: screw you ms. thirty mph on the highway!

Keith Palmer: it sucks, I'm always slow at the times when I should be fast, and vice versa...

PLAYBOY: The University of Connecticut is no longer rated in our annual top ten party school list because we feel that it is unfair to include professionals in a list full of amateurs.

Liz: so how does one become black? Chris: it takes many years of hard work and practice.....and not watching Dave.

Gus: what race is she? Liz: Black.

TEd: that's just ridiculous..even a monkey knows thats wrong...and I mean a stupid monkey...one of those monkeys with the purple butt.

Mom: what'd you do to the dog? Terry: I clipped her Mom: she looks naked! Terry: she's not naked.... she's free! (heard in next room): some kid: did you get a new dog? Adam: nah... my dad just clipped her. some kid: man....she looks naked.

Pete: I just pissed of the balcony Liz: that's something to be proud of.

Matt Mele: so many freshman girls, so little time...

Liz: What about the rape trail? Niki: i'm gonna throw you on it and leave you there Liz:good! Maybe I'll actually get some

Jackson: Nothing makes you feel more wanted than a stalker...

Jackson: I used to have this theory that people should be able to hook up as a recreational activity...

Lisa: thats not for me, my friends dont do african chanting

Brendanne: if you were a boy, would you want to do me? Mike: I'm not even going to answer that

Liz: what would you do without me? Corey: get a few points lower on my linguistics exam...

Mel: you know you're in college when you wake up on saturday morning hungry. for advil.

Corey: you look the same as you always do. Liz: ugly? Corey: yeah pretty much

Matt Mele: you're good at that motion aren't you (in reference to me shaking some stupid liquid filled glass tube in physics)

Mike: nice guys finish straight in the cellar.

Bino: you're a sophomore. you're better than us

Liz: well if he were an aggregate supply curve, what would he be doing?

Liz: I got a 12 inch rubber duck. Andrew: you got a 12 inch rubber dick?! Liz: NO! Duck! Not Dick! Duck! D-U-C-K!

Andrea: I think aerosmith should come to UConn for a concert Mike: okay, sounds good. And we'll have God open for them

Niki: im think nap Liz: yeah when you can't use full sentences you know you're tired

(while talking about probability in Math) Zac: you have a better chance of being shot by the sniper than any of us Liz: when I get shot you're going to wish you were nicer to me Zac: yeah probably

Liz: why can't they treat me like a normal person? Ted: 'cause you're not normal

Ronnie: Why do you keep asking me that? It's not like I'm going to change my mind like Mike...."

Liz: have you seen my magical roommate?

Matt Senior: I love you liz! remember that!

Matt Mele: It's not the cloths that make you look bad....

Keith (talking about my halloween costume): You're already from down south. Hick wouldn't be too far off from normal for you, wouldn't it?

Liz: I'm going to hell Corey: I coulda already told you that"

Matt Mele: It's funny.... I dont take notes and I got the highest test score.... and i'm ugly

Ronnie: Harry Potter was a cool guy. He gets all the ladies. So in that case... YES, they ARE Harry Potter glasses.

Jim Murac: You can have her, just have her over there...

Liz: yeah well lets just say it'd be an interesting story if we got married Matty C: how did i meet ur father? He made me kiss a girl. Mommy was a momentary bisexual sweeties

Dave Watson: I want to go back in time and kill NEWTON so physics would not be where it is today.