Apparatus Experience
Assorted Technical Expertise owns some electronic instrumentation, including the following somewhat unusual pieces used to measure extreme electrical phenomena:
- General Radio 1863 Megohm Meter
- Keithley 610B Electrometer
Other unusual equipment for a consultant:
- Hirsch/Farnsworth "Fusor" hot fusion reactor
- Hitachi Cutivac dual-stage rotary vane forepump
- Edmund Scientific 10-30x binocular microscope with camera mount
- Bosch and Lomb 1000x biological microscope
- Four Analog Devices 2B31J strain gage conditioner/amplifers
ATE has experience in using the following specific pieces of equipment:
- Leybold TMP-1000 Turbomolecular Pump
- Perkin Elmer/Ultec Ion Pump
- Welch rotary vane vacuum pumps, various models
- Ocean Optics S2000 Spectrometer
- SRS RGA-100 Residual Gas Analyzer
- Consolidated Vacuum Helium Leak Checker
- MTS 810 Servohydraulic Test Machine
- Atlas Weatherometer
- Q-Panel QUV Weathering Tester
- Satec Reciprocating Mass Fatigue Machine
- Instron 1603 Fatigue Machine
- Instron Screw-Driven Universal Test Machines
- Tinius Olsen Super L Universal Test Machine
- Satec/Baldwin Universal Test Machine
- Cambridge Stereoscan Electron Microscope with EDS
- Grand Ultraview Pro Scan Converter with Genlock Adapter
- Universal Voltronics High Voltage Power Supplies
- Glassman High Voltage Power Supplies
- Large Lead-Acid Battery Banks
- Siemans 600-series magnetic-blowout contactors
- Loader/Backhoe
- Cessna 152
- Cessna 172
- Diamond Katana
- Onan Generators, 10JB and 5CCK models
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