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Here are a few of my Club Si friends and their rides

This is the ClubSi group suited up at All Sports Grand Prix

This is James(JNisley*)he's been one of my bestfriends since dirt was made, he's the one who introduced me to the Import scene and my baby Si, this is him and his SICK Si

This is Steph (SiChic*) and her SICK EBP Si, this girl is so sweet and incredible, miss ya, come back to Va soon, one of the nicest Si's I've seen

This is John (Sever*), him and his little sweetie Manda are uh.....:), well John has helped me in some binds and the two are really great people, not to mention he's got a bad ass Drag Gen. III Si

This is Merritt (Merritt*), we go back a long way, since the beginning of high school, but she drove this sick ITR until it got hurt, but she turned around and made this incredible hatchback using the ITR parts, MAD props to the Girl racers, you guys rule

This is Dan (Lt.Dan*).....Dan rocks, he was a marine, now like a marine on crack, he's a bad ass Acura mechanic and is the one who knows everything about our cars. He's a full time nut and a really great guy

Brian (Black99Si*) is kewl, but not cuz he's a HOKIE, VT SUX my friend hahaha, but he's got a really nice FBP Si so I think I can forgive him for being a Hokie

This is Ceas (Ceas*) he is our other resident NUT, Dan and Ceas make me laugh so much it makes me crack nuts..literally {remember at Logans Resturant?}

This is Cliff, (Cliff Norton*)another great guy, sweet EBP SiR, He thinks he's the ALL SPORTS Go Karting King, but he's not :)

Gary (Bimmer*) drives a beamer but he's one of us and one of the only other Asian guys in our group, Gary like everyone else is a really great person..nice beamer :)

Mike (YellowCorn*) drives a nice Si although it was hurt and I haven't seen it in person yet, but I expect to soon, he's one great guy who can eat one mad Fudruckers burger

This is Q (VSM EXtacy*) Q drives a Civic EX, but has made it too look like an Si, but he has added a lot of aftermarket parts to make it a car to reckon with, he's a kewl Mason guy

I haven't been able to talk to mike (MD99Si*) too much in person, but from what I have, he's a great guy also, he has a really nice FBP Si and is one of our Maryland members

Ryan (Riot*) is another guy I haven't been able to talk to much, but he drives a niiiice FRP Si and has some really runny Posts on CLUBSi

John (GTRCivic*) makes mad dough and drives a mad car really nice guy and another asian guy who knows how to dress like a pimp

Don (MatroxSi*) is another guy I haven't talked to much but is an awesome guy

This is Joey(rexman*) he's ceas's little bro, he's the youngin of our group, he likes to pull his E-brake when its wet outside haha, Ceas Version 2.0 in the making can we say.....

L:->R: John (Sever*) Drag III EBP Si; Ryan (Riot*) Si, And my (USAFSiRacer*) Baby IBFLYIN

L:->R: My EBP Si, Q's (VSM EXtacy*) sick Ex, and Sever's Drag III Si

This is L:->R:(Gary(Bimmer*), Steph(SiChic*), Me...flailin in the back (USAFSiRacer*), Ceas (Ceas*), Merritt (Merritt*), and Mike (MD99SI*)

This is L:->R:(Cliff(CliffNorton*), John(KillrBlue*), Me(USAFSiRacer)

This is L:->R:(Me(USAFSiRacer*), John(KillrBlue*), Cliff(CliffNorton*)

This is L:->R:(John(KillrBlue*), Eric(Supaboom*), Me(USAFSiRacer)

(*) denotes ClubSi member name

I know I have missed some of you guys, but send me your pics and I'll get you up ASAP. All of you guys are really great people and it is really nice to have you as friends, Thanks.

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