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Organization & Membership

The Arlington-Falls Church Volunteer Rescue Squad (AFCVRS) is a subsidiary of the Arlington County Fire & Rescue Association (ACFRA). Administratively, the AFCVRS is run by a President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. These officers are elected to one-year terms and preside over meetings, maintain the Rescue Squad’s books, and handle official correspondence. Operationally, the Rescue Squad elects a Chief, a Deputy Chief (Operations), and a Deputy Chief (Apparatus) to one-year terms. These officers dictate operational policy, organize training, manage scheduling, and maintain our ambulance and equipment.

Arlington County and the City of Falls Church are privileged to be served by a highly professional and dedicated staff of paid County paramedics and firefighters. As such, the members of the AFCVRS complement the emergency care services provided by Arlington County. Our members staff a volunteer-owned and operated Basic Life Support unit to augment the 5 ½ full-time Advanced Life Support units staffed by County career paramedics. Qualified members can also serve as supplemental members on the County medic units.

In order to join the Arlington-Falls Church Volunteer Rescue Squad, prospective members must first join one of the seven member Companies of the Arlington County Fire & Rescue Association. The seven member Companies are:

Company 1 – Arlington Volunteer Fire Department
Company 2 – Ballston Volunteer Fire Department
Company 3 – Cherrydale Volunteer Fire Department
Company 4 – Clarendon Volunteer Fire Department
Company 5 – Jefferson (Crystal City) District Fire Department
Company 6 – Falls Church Volunteer Fire Department
Company 7 – Fairlington Volunteer Fire Department

By joining one of the member Companies, volunteers are automatically members of the Rescue Squad. As such, the ambulance is staffed by members of all Arlington and Falls Church volunteer Companies. While general membership requirements are consistent between all seven member Companies, some minor difference exist. To learn more about specific membership and application requirements and Company organization and activities, click on the links above or send an eMail to a Company representative through one of the links below:





Jefferson District (Crystal City)

Falls Church


It takes a special person to give of one’s self in this extremely important, but also very stressful, way. However, few volunteer opportunities allow for greater personal satisfaction and truly making a difference in someone’s life in their hour of need. If you would like to learn more, click on the links above and let us hear from you!