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Old School Pictures

These are just a few pictures that I like from way back in the day! Enjoy!

This is me when I was a little girl, I don't really know how old...but one of my favorite men in the world, my Pappaw Carroll, is holding me! I miss him so much!

When I was 2 my Mammaw made me a bunny costume for Halloween! Don't I just look thrilled?!

This is my Rainbow Brite costume that my Mammaw made me when I was like 3 for Halloween! I really liked it but the only thing I really remember about it was that where the bottom was so stiff it felt like a I was a boat. It's hard to explain!

This is from preschool, we put on a circus near the end of our graduation...this is Joni Lynne Tull, 2 girls I don't know, Mandy Turner, Blake Gibson, Matt Skeen, and Wheat!

This is what I was dressed as for preschool, but this was taken in my recital, I danced to "Yes I am a Beautiful Baby" and in the preschool show I walked a tight rope! haha not really, it was a 2 x 4, but you get the idea! and Dad, I had my Braves shirt on...I LOVED that thing!

I love this picture, I was holding my Big Bird and my eyes are's funny!

This is Jessica Barnett at my McDonald's birthday party one year! Look how sweet she looks!!

Now look at Jessica! She's like "UGH DON'T TAKE MY HAMBURGER!" haha The many sides of Jessica, gotta love the girl!

2nd grade show and tell!!! Wow! Guess what I got and showed?!?! A CAMERA....obviously! But here Johnnie Lynn Chandler, Jeremy Stanley, Joni Lynne Tull, Jessica Barnett, and Mandy Turner (you can only see her head) are all playing Shark Attack!!!

Joni Lynne Tull sitting outside in Stinger's parking lot waiting for the BSG fireworks to start!