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When we were in the 9th grade (I think) we won the District Championship and got to go to state at HAMPTON, VA!! We rented 2 vans that broke down several times along the way! It was an adventure I tell ya! We shared so so so many memories from Hamilton, to the train rides, to "no shoes Lloyd", to getting kicked out of the pool, and when the "van's a rockin' don't come a knockin!" Shew we had lots of fun and here are just a few pictures of that...I'll put more up when I go home and get them!

This is after our last loss, but we were still happy! As always! This is Megan, Johnnie Lynn, Sarah, Lindsay, Mandy, Me, and Llyod! Lloyd get some shoes on!!! haha

This is me, of course, and Johnnie Lynn kept sticking her foot in my ear. And I hate for people to touch my ears!!!!!

Mandy Turner on the way there!

Johnnie Lynn and Lindsay psyched to be going to Hamilton!!!

LOL! We were fighting on the, Johnnie Lynn, Megan, and Mandy! But you can't see JL and Meg is falling off the bed.

Johnnie Lynn and Megan riddin' in the van!!