College Pics
Here are pictures of this school year, at college and on breaks, etc. (reverse chronological so I can add more to the top)
Kristy, Amy, Dan, and I at Feber's last party of the school year.
Andrew (my cousin) and Chris posing. Andrew is wearing my earrings, lol!
Amber, Becky, me, and Amy chillin at Greg's party.
Me and Amber, also taken at Greg's party.
6th floor girls hanging out and celebrating on Tameka's birthday. 1st row: Crystal; 2nd row: Selma, Ida, Tameka; 3rd row: Emily, Nina, Tiffany, Regina (my roommate), and me.
This is Mollie, Kristy, me, Amy, and Susie at a party that Susie's boyfriend Kevin had (and Chris too, they are both from our hometown but older). In the top right corner, we have Chris clowning around and the guy in the back right (looking really weird) is Ryan Feber...he doesn't always look like that.
Susie, Kristy, Thomas, and me at the same party.
Laura, me, Becky, and Amber chillin in Becky's hot tub over break. We made her sister take the picture.
Kristy and I getting ready to go out.
Okay, so I invited a bunch of Susie's friends to come out and celebrate her birthday at Macado's...but since I asked them on the Friday before, and over IM, and this was on Sunday, no one me, Susie and Aaron were the only ones there:)
Me at the Wizards game.
Susie, me, and Kristy at one of Feber's parties.
Dave and I at the same party.
Yet another picture taken at the same party...Susie, Tiffany, me, Kristy, and Amber.
Laura and I at the dinner theatre.
Here's Laura and I at Ryan's most recent party. She and Becky visited for the weekend from JMU.
Laura, Becky, and I with Santa Claus at the mall over Thanksgiving break.
Everyone dressed up for the "Pimp and Ho Party". From left to right: Susie, Kevin, Becky, Kristy, me, Jason, Laura, Amber, Vanessa, Alissa, and AJ at the bottom.
Beth and me. She lives next door and is a cool chick, except when she wakes us up with her crazy laugh at 3am!
Me, Amber, Susie, and Mollie during our visit to JMU for Laura's birthday.
Another picture of our JMU visit--me, Mollie, Kristy, Laura, and Amber.
Me and Amber chillin in my room at the beginning of the year.
A picture of my good friend Michael Vick playing football.