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Im a Gaming Addict

The Defenders of Theesh

Defenders of Thessh Group Page
Nyphestra's Page
Phae's Page

Are you too addicted? Do you too need help? And the only help you can get is by gaming. Or thinking of gaming. Or reading about gaming. Or dreaming about gaming. YOU TOO ARE HOOKED! And to be absolutely hooked means, you are one of the few who are living in the imaginative world!
You too must get the only thing that will help: GAME AS OFTEN AS POSIBLE!
We of the Defenders of Thessh meet twice a week. On Tuesdays and Fridays. Tumog and I, Ilse spend an hour each way in our van just to go to gaming. (Moving away did not stop the insanity), And we game online constantly.

My character is Ilse. An Half-Elf with brilliant blue eyes (They used to be violet til she had an divine episode), Black-red hair (Though she has just recently shaved her head again), and the birthmark of the All Father's palms upon her forehead. She is a Defender of Thessh, and a Prophetess of the All Father. The only true God. She is very thin, because she tends to forget to eat, or go on fasts. She is married to Quarion Starbrow who is an Elven Magic User. Defender of Thessh. Creator of the Silver Arcanist. Bearer of the pool ring. One of the Silvered tounge. We have a daughter Hope Gwyendolyn. She has been kidnapped from us. (Details are kept in secret)
Recently things have not gone well for Ilse. Plauged by the doom prophesies, she fears what will happen to Theesh. More and more of the prophesies are becoming a reality. Who can she trust? Who can she turn to? Even her husband is estranged to her since the kidnapping of Hope. What will Ilse do? Subcome to the insanity that she is upon the brink of? Or become like the ice and overcome everything that stands in the way of saving Thessh? Even I do not know what she will do next.


Ilse died this past friday night. September 27, 2002. She was killed while on mission invading an cult temple looking for rebels from Mazithra who are known to have killed the Queen. (Though she thought they were innocent, she had to follow duty. She knew that the cult knew of the invasion, but withheld the information from the rest of the group for personal reasons.) She found herself surprised by what happened. As she was sitting in a barrel undercover she smelled smoke. She warned the rest of her fellow defenders. They were going to escape, but half of the party were still in the building. Suddenly she couldn't do anything because the smoke was so thick that all she could was cough. She couldn't see, because it was so dark. One of the drow soldiers that were helping on the mission grabbed her and tried to pull her out of the smoke. First they went to the elevator, but they were both shocked with electricity. (She was saved by the power of her staff.) Then he tried taking her to a door, but it was locked and sturdy. The rest of the group was saved by Quarion Since he was in the form of a Troll, he could withstand the smoke. Our Mentor Deepsong dispeled the trap on the elevators which allowed everyone back into fresh air. But it was too late for Ilse. She inhaled too much smoke from the fire that was around her, and perished.
Is this the end of Ilse The Prophetess of Theesh?


Yes indeed the famous prophetess has returned from the dead. Though she questions why. Perhaps she needs to sacrafice more for her quest of saving Thessh. Perhaps she needs to be punished for her sins by being in this prison of a body. Perhaps she will indeed once again redeem the love of her husband, and find her daughter. Only time, and The All Father knows.

If you ever would like to ask me questions about my insane thoughts, or my character. You may email me at
