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In old Records: Agnes B. Hood: August 24, 1946 stated:

"In 1540 three Irish tribes, Carnochan, Carnighan and Carnathan united for self- protection and became known as Carnahan. They lived in the North of Ireland and were seafaring men and very war-like. They were also known for their large size. They came to Maryland in 1709 and became Calvanist in faith.

Amoung them were three brothers, James, Hugh and John. We of this section of Western Pennsylvania are interested only in John. It is from his family that most of the Carnahans in this district originated.

This said John Carnahan migrated from Maryland to Layton Station near what is now known as Connellsville, Pennsylvania. From there he moved to Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania in 1769, and settled near what is now Salina. At this location he took upwards of one one thousand acres of land. John Carnahan's children were Adam, David, James, William, John and several minor girls. Joh, of the first generation died before the building of the Carnahan Black House near Salina, PA. Following his death, his wife, Sara, and her one son, James and the daughters returned to Layton Station where they remained until 1792. At that date they are recorded to have returned to the Block House.

According to other records and hearsay she did not leave until her son, John, and possibly James, was killed by the Seneca Indians at the Block House in 1777. This in itself is an interesting story and will bear telling here. On a Friday afternoon about six miles from the block house. Nearby 14 Indianas were lurking and when their presence was noted both Fort Carnahan and Fort Hand were notified. Most of the settlers reached the Carnahan Fort but John was killed as he reached the gates. His body was pulled inside and was later buried 200 feet north of the fort along side the grave of one of Adam's children. (It is also possible that James was killed during this period.) David Carnahan, a brother of John, is said to have killed the Indian that killed John. His body was also buried near the fort."


Carnahan Lineage Part I

Carnahan Lineage Part II


