The Battle of Chancellorsville May 1-6, 1863
Spotsylvania, VA
Catherine Furnace
This is the Catherine Furnace. It was an Iron Furnace that was inactive during the battle. Stonewall Jackson will turn his column south at this location.
Lee-Jackson bivouac
This is the intersection of Furnace Road and Orange Plank Road
(modern day Old Plank Road). This is were Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson decided to split their army in order to thoroughly
trounce Federal General Joseph Hooker.
Orange Turnpike
This monument marks the location of the 114 Pennsylvania also known as "Collis Zouaves" during the May 3rd fighting.
Baxton Monument
This is to Confederate General Baxton who fell in the attacks on May 3rd
Burton Farm
This is the site of the Burton farm. "Stonewall" Jackson studied the Union 11th Corps's position form this location (at the time it was open) May 2, 1863.
11th Corps Position
This was taken from the Jackson Flank Attack area. It is located at the extreme right of the Union line. Gen. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson's famous flack attack during the Battle of Chancellorsville is one of the most famous in military history. His troops will sweep across this picture from left to right (which at the time of the battle would have been wooded) May 2, 1863.
This was taken from the Jackson Flank Attack area. Jackson's troops would have been heading the same direction the photo was taken.
This was also taken at the Jackson Flank Attack area where the 75th Ohio was positioned. Jackson's troops would have been approaching from the horizon.(note: during the time of the battle this area would have been wooded)
The gray roof in the center is the Wilderness Church. It's located on State Rt. 3 near the Union right flank.
This Monument stands marks the location of the "Bushbeck" line. It was the last line of defense for the 11th Corps during Jackson's attack.
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