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My Information

This is me at the 24th Michigan Monument at Gettysburg

My name is Malcolm, I am a former park ranger at the Fredericksburg area battlefields.  I visit Civil War battlefields among other things and these are the pictures I take.  I have a strong intrest in the Civil War however I am beginning to have  a stronger interest in photography.  

This is me at Dilger's Monument at Gettysburg

I started this website in my Oklahoma State dorm room in January 2000.  Back then I had less than 100 photos, now I am approaching 2000.  I have expanded beyond just battlefields (but they are still my favorite).  Now I take pictures of aircraft, architecture, storms, and nature.  

This is me at the U.S. Sharpshooters Monument at Gettysburg

I don't have a favorite Civil War general yet (I'm open for suggestions).  However my favorite all time general is U.S. Air Force General Curtis E. LeMay.  In my opinion nobody in the history of the world did it better than him.  Both my parents are 20yrs retired Air Force vets.  That explains my love of the U.S. Air Force

As a football fan I only like the best teams.  For the pros, that means I like the Dallas Cowboys.  The are the most successful franchise in the history of the NFL.  For college,  I could only like the University of Michigan Wolverines.

Feel free to download and use them. I only ask that you give me and my page credit. I've spent lots of time, effort, and money to get these picture on the web. 

Don't forget to sign the guest book at the bottom of the home page, Enjoy!!!

