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Chapter 2

I had gotten bored in my room, so I decided to go and hit the local mall. I was walking around checking out the stores when I saw a place called the 'Silver Shack: A jewelry store'. "I need some new silver jewelry for the concert." I walked inside the store and looked around, it was quit empty to my surprise, only another girl purchasing and a dark headed guy looking in a cabinet. I went to the necklace charms and saw a Dragon pendent. As soon as the lady came over, the man said he wanted to purchase the same pendent. "Miss, do you have 2 of those?" I asked. "No 'mam, I'm sorry we don't." "Shit. I'm not from around here and I probably won't see it again." "I'm sorry miss, but this is the last one." "That’s alright." As the man purchased the charm, he went to walk out, he turned around as soon as he got to the door and smiled. "That's the dickhead that bumped into me at the hotel." I shrieked. I ran outside the store, but he was nowhere to be seen. "God dammit. What the hell is that mans problem? Who the fuck is he?" I went back to the hotel and decided to get some sleep, tomorrow was a big day for me.

I woke up to a phone call, "Cindy, this is Tony, have you found out why you should like the hotel?" "No I haven't. What are you on about?" "You'll see soon enough. Have fun at the concert." "Kay, bye Tony." I went down to the hotel kitchen and grabbed a bite to eat. I was sipping my coffee when this guy in a big coat came and sat next to me. "I'm sorry about the jewelry store." "You again, who the hell are you?" "I can't say, but I know your brother, Tony." And he got up and left. I was still half sleep when it clicked, "hey, how do you..." but he was gone. I went back upstairs and called Marie. "I don't know who he is, but he knows Tony." Marie busted out laughing. "What's so damn funny?" "Oh, nothing, I'm just surprised you haven't figured it out yet. I gotta go, call me after the show and tell me everything." "Marie, hold up a sec." But she had hung up. I spent the afternoon walking around the local park trying to figure out what was going on, but had no luck. It was 6:00pm, an hour and a half from the concert. I was so nervous. I took a shower and did my make-up. I changed my outfits several times before deciding on the new one I had bought the day before.

I got to the concert and sat in my seat. The concert was rocking, I couldn't believe how close I was to the stage. But I was really nervous about going backstage and seeing my crush of 5 years, AJ McLean. I had liked him ever since I was 17. Before I knew it, the concert was over. I went backstage and showed the man my pass. He let me through and pointed in a direction where there was a few girls getting autographs. I walked up to AJ and shook his hand, but I couldn't help notice the dragon pendent on his necklace. "Hi, I'm..." I was cut off. "Cindy, Tony has told me so much about you." "You are the dickhead at the hotel aren't you?" I asked. "I wouldn’t say that I was a dickhead, but yes I am, hi, I'm AJ."

Chapter 3