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Chapter 5

I woke up ready to go to the airport. I said my good-byes to my family and thanked my brother one last time. Got to the airport and I met up with the guys. “Hey guys, are we ready to go?” “Yep, here is your passport and plane ticket.” Said Kevin handing me the papers. “Thank you, this really means a lot.” “We hope that you have fun, thank you for coming along.” Said Kevin. We jumped on the plane and went on our way to Spain. I pretty much slept on the plane because I didn’t get much sleep the night before. “Cindy, wake up, we’re here.” I heard a sweet voice say. “Thanks for…” I opened my eyes to see AJ standing over me. “What in the hell do you want? I didn’t need you to wake me up.” “I’m sorry, I didn’t want you to be the only one left on the plane.” “Thanks anyway.” And I got up and left. “I wish I hadn’t got of on a bad foot with her. But Tony told me to bump into her and follow her around. I guess he was wrong, I assume she doesn’t like me the way he thought.”

We checked into our hotel. My room was right beside AJ’s, nothing I was happy about. “Hey Cindy, we are all going down to the pool for awhile, do you want to come?” Yelled Brian from the hall. “Yeah, I’ll be down in a little bit.” I went and got my swimsuit on. “Why are you gonna go swimming? You don’t even know how to swim.” I opened my bags and found my bikini. I slipped it on and took a look in the mirror. I must say, the sexy leopard print bikini I found looked rather good on me. I got to the pool and everybody was jumping around and splashing each other. I found an empty chair and set my towel and my shades on it. I took off my suit cover, revealing the sexy swimsuit and noticed AJ staring at me. AJ and myself were the only one’s that hadn’t got in yet. As I walked around, trying to find the shallow end, AJ came up beside me. “Do you know how to swim?” “What do you mean? I’m a big girl, I think I know how to swim.” “Okay then,” and AJ pushed me. Not just into freezing cold water, but the deepest part of the pool. “AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH.” I screamed. I felt my feet hit the bottom so I pushed back up, I reached the surface and screamed, “I was lying I can’t swim, I can’t swim.” I went back down again. I was choking on the water. “Oh shit, I am gonna die.”

Chapter 6