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Chapter 3

The next day I went to school and tried to act like everything was cool, but Leighann knew something was up and she was bound and determined to find out. She asked a million times but I wouldn’t tell her a thing.

“Come on Yvonne, tell me please!”

“I can’t, I promised a friend I wouldn’t say anything.”

“I’m a friend, why can’t you tell me?”

“Just because.”

“Well I can’t speak to you any more just because.”

“Leighann, come on, don’t be that way please.”

But before I could say anything she had walked away from me. I went through the day in a rotten mood. When I got home AJ had left me a message to meet him a 6:00 in the chat room. I did.

: I’m here!

~ Hey.

~ So how was your day?

: Not so good, my best friend isn’t talking to me now.

~ Why?

: Well, I guess I was acting funny or something and she knew something wasn’t normal and when she asked me what was up I told her I couldn’t tell her.

~ I’m sorry.

: It’s kind of hard not to tell her because she is my best friend and she is totally in love with you.

~ For real?

: Yeah for real.

~ Hey, this could be good.

: What do you mean?

~ Well, I am single, and looking so is Howie and Nick.

: And?

~ I was wondering if your friend had a boyfriend?

: No, but she won’t go out with you. She hates the ‘net and I tried hooking you two up, before I knew who you were and she wouldn’t do it.

~ Does she have an e-mail address?

: Yeah, only I have it though.

~ Well can I have it?

: I don’t know…

~ Why?

: Because I don’t want her to get mad at me.

~ She won’t, I promise.

: You sure?

~ YES!

: How sure?

~ Very.

: Ok, how are you gonna do it? With your e-mail or what?

~ Mine, I’m gonna send her some pics and then a song, etc.

: Aww, how sweet!

~ Well, you did say she was in love so I’ll give her a try.

: Well her birthday is the 28th of this month, so maybe you and me can come up with a good birthday present for her.

~ Oh yeah, like what?

: Like a date with you…

~ That we could work out.

: Look, I have to go, school tomorrow, sorry.

~ It’s ok, I am kind of tired anyway, so I will see you tomorrow.

: Sure that would be great.

~ Ok, bye.

: Bye.

I went to bed that night and could not believe what had just happened. Leighann was not going to believe this. But I was determined to get her out on a date with ‘Alex’.

The next day at school she came running up to me with something in her and a smile on her face.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Just THE hottest pic of AJ that I have ever seen. I have never seen it before, where did you get it?” she said handing me a pic of AJ holding a white rose.

“Cute, but I didn’t send it.”

“What do you mean? Only you have my e-mail.”

“I know…”

“See, it says it is from you.”

“Oh, yeah, I did send this last night, I must have been so tired I forgot about it.’

“Thanks so much.”

“You’re welcomed, I think.”

For the rest of the day, she was gauging at the picture with a silly grin on her face. I thought it was kind of cute, but the same time driving me nuts. At the end of the day, I ran home to talk to AJ.

~ Hey, did your friend get the pic?

: Yeah and she thinks I sent it.

~ Good.

: Why good?

~ I was talking to Kev about her and he said I should take it slow with her being she is a big fan and all.

: What’s that suppose to mean?

~ Nothing bad, just that she might blow my cover and I won’t be able to talk to you anymore.

: Oh, she doesn’t even know you are who you are. She still thinks that you are some guy I am trying to hook her up with and wants no part of you.

~ Oh really? Why?

: She says all the freaks hang out on the ‘net, it has been all over the news how kids get killed and stalked and she is scared.

~ Oh, okay. How did she like the pic? I took it last night and scanned it to her.

: She loved it! That was the happiest I’ve seen her in a long time.

~ Really?

: Yeah that really made her day.

~ Good, now when is her birthday again?

: The 28th of this month.

~ Ok, got it.

: So have you came up with anything on our plan for you and Leighann?

~ Leighann? Is that her name?

: Yep that’s her name.

~ I like…

: Well?

~ You did say her birthday was coming up, right?

: Yeah…

~ Well I was thinking maybe since we’re off for a while and since the other guys have plans with their girlfriends, that maybe it would be fun to meet and spend some time together.

: Really? That sounds great.

~ So do you have a guy friend?

: No, why?

~ Well, Howie met this girl last night and Nick seems interested in you because he’s reading over my shoulder and seems to like you.

: Sure, I can deal with that.

~ Great, now Nick is back here cheering, you should see him.

: Is he any good? We need some cute cheerleaders on our squads who have talent.

~ No, he sucks! But I think he’d look good in one of those short skirts!

: So what would be a good time for you guys?

~ Huh? To meet?

: Oh, well, we have some staff development time coming up next week and we will have 5 days off from school.

~ Great now all I need are directions to Emporia.

: Okay, I’ll e-mail them to you later.

~ No problem.

: I know the perfect place to meet!

~ Where?

: Mickey D’s!

~ Great! *laughs*

: Gotta go, school tomorrow, it will be Friday, so I can talk longer then.

~ Ok, bye.

: Bye Nick!

I left the room and smiled in spite of myself. They seemed really cool. Not like I expected them to be. I was going out to not only meet two of the Backstreet Boys, but I was going out on a date with one! Leighann was not going to believe it.

Chapter 4