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Chapter 4

The next day at school, Leighann wasn’t there, so it went by really slow. As soon as I got home, I called her to see how she was doing.

“Hey girl, how are you? I missed you today.”

“Well, I have the 24 hour flu, but I took some medicine and I feel better now.”

“So what did you do all day?”

“Nothing much, just caught up on all the e-mails you sent me.

“Oh, good, good…”

“Thanks for all the great pics of AJ, I love them.”

“Sure, you’re welcomed.”

“Look, my mom is waiting for an important call, so I will see you tomorrow.”

After we hung up, I got into bed. I spent the next day talking to AJ and Nick. I had a blast. We decided that we would tell Leighann that I had a friend coming to town and I wanted to see him but I wanted her to come with me. The next day, we put our plan into effect.

“Hey, what’s up? Are you feeling better?”

“Yeah I feel much better now that you keep sending me all these great pics of AJ. Where do you get them?”

“Oh, just a place, I’m not too sure what it’s called, don’t worry about it. But I have this friend coming to town, I think you’ll like him, I want you to meet him.”

“Yeah? What’s his name?”

“Uhh, Alexander, he really wants to meet you.”

“Oh yeah? Really? This isn’t that guy from the ‘net is it?”

“No, no, I know what you said about that, so no, it is a old friend of mine.”

“Well, I guess since there’s nothing better to do this weekend.”


“Yeah, why are you so excited?”

“Oh, you will not regret this! Great, perfect.”

“Okay, you are scaring me now.”

“Just wait!”

The weekend couldn’t get here fast enough, but when it did, I was exstactic. I called Leighann Saturday morning.

“Hey! Are you ready?”

“Ready for what?”

“To meet my friend?”

“Oh, that, sure.”

“Great, we meet them at Mickey D’s in at 10:30 today.”

“Good, that gives me time to shower and all.”

“I have some great news to tell you when you get here, ok.”

“Why not now?”

“Now is too early.”


“See you in a hour, bye.”


I e-mailed AJ and told him what time to be at our Mickey D’s. He e-mailed me back and asked if Leighann had any clue what was happening. Which the answer was no. After what seemed to be e-mail tag, my doorbell ranged. It was Leighann.

“Are we ready?”


She had chosen baggy jeans and a trademark dragon tee she bought because it looked like one she saw AJ have in a mag. Her hair was done in a cute little half ponytail thing, and she had all her silver jewelry. So all in all, she looked great. I decided to wear my usual baggy jeans and a baby tee with an overshirt for that ‘guy’ effect. On the way over, we talked about some BSB stuff.

“Speaking of them, my friend knows them really well.”

“Oh my god, you’re kidding right?”

“Nope, you’ll see.”

We arrived at Mickey D’s and I took a deep breath before going inside. It was the greatest day of both Leighann’s life, and mine but she didn’t know it yet.

“What was that for?”


“The deep breath?”

“I guess I am just nervous, you know, from not seeing him…”

“Yeah sure, whatever you say.”

“Well let’s go, we don’t want to keep them waiting.”

We went inside and they were nowhere to be seen, so I chose a booth in the back so no one would see us.

“Well, where are they?”

“They’ll be here, they are probably stuck in traffic or something.”

About then, two average looking guys walked in the door, they spotted us as soon as they did so.

“They’re here!” I almost screamed.


“Over at the door. Happy Birthday Leighann.”

“Don’t tell me that is the guy off the Internet!”

“Yep, his name is AJ.” I said laughing.

I flagged the guys over to us and I introduced Leighann and myself since she was speechless.

“It’s nice to meet you finally,” AJ said laughing.

“Same here, hi Nick!” I said grinning.

“Hi, how are you?” he asked.

“Fine and you?” I answered.

“I’m great now,” he said.

“Uh Yvonne can I talk to you for a minute?” said Leighann.

“Not now.”

“Yes now.”

“Excuse us, we’ll be right back.”

We left the table and the guys; well Leighann dragged me to the ladies room.

“Oh my God! Why didn’t you tell me that your friend was AJ McLean of the Backstreet Boys?” she shrieked.

“Because you wouldn’t believe me first of all and I wanted you two to go out on date for your birthday. That’s why I kept saying ‘Happy Birthday.”

“Oh my god, I am going out with the man of my dreams?”

“Yep, and I am going out with Nick.”



“We better go out there before someone recognizes them and we no longer have dates.”

“Great idea!”

We returned to the table with the guys. I took a seat by Nick and Leighann sat beside AJ. Both couples began talking and joking around. I noticed that AJ and Leighann hit it off and were having a blast. They had so much in common. It wasn’t funny.

As for Nick and I, we just talked. After awhile, we decided to go somewhere safe like my house since I had the Nintendo. While AJ and Leighann occupied the living room of my house Nick and I went and played a round of Mario brothers. Then after the game became hot we sat around and talked about ourselves. AJ came in on us and said it was time to go for the night and that he was so glad that I had hooked him and Leighann up, and she was perfect.

“Leighann is great, she’s better than you described her and thank you.”

“You’re welcome AJ and thank you for doing all of this and being a great friend.”

“Hey, don’t get all mushy on me now!”

“Ok!” I laughed.

“So will I see you tomorrow?” Leighann asked.

“Sure, anytime you want me, just give me a beep.”

“You bet I will!”

“Well, it’s been great, but Nick and I have to split for a few hours to get some sleep.”

“Okay, will Nick be back tomorrow too?” Leighann asked for me.

“Sure, if Yvonne wants me to come.”

“Sure, why not?” I said. So AJ and Nick left back to their hotel room.

Chapter 5