Do in waxing moon, on a Thursady if possible 
This spell is to give luck in moderation - that is, to make everything that 
happens to you be for the better in the end. 
Scent: cinnamon 

Burn green candle.  Take a personal lucky number of pennies (preferably from the 
year you were born).  Charge them with power. Say/chant: 

Let fortuned winds blow my way 
All that's evil please allay 
All that's good and all that's bane 
Give in turn, but for my gain. 

Meditate on rune of luck. Feel it filling the pennies.  Take the coins and bury 
them or give them to someone. (Probably giving them away is better; you're doing 
a good deed to get good in return.) DO NOT KEEP or you'll get the opposite of 
what you expected!!!! 


Email: xtc_bliss@hotmail.com