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The Sailor Mercury Story

Sailor Mercury is the Princess of the planet Mercury and controls the power of water.
Sailor Mercury was the first Inner Senshi to be discovered by Sailor Moon. She is the smartest of the senshi. She may be somewhat weak, but not in the sense as Sailor Moon. She has her place in battle; she has her mini computer she got from Luna, and she uses it along with her visor to scan enemies, find their weaknesses, and she helps the senshi get out of troubled situations. Her attacks are somewhat defensive, somewhat trapping; her ice attacks can freeze enemies giving Sailor Moon enough time to defeat them.

As Ami, she is very responsible, being careful not to indulge on things. She works very hard at her school work. She is gentle by nature, and has great study habits, with the intention of keeping her reputation as being smart. She enjoys reading every morning (she'll get to school 40 minutes early to read!!)Ami(Amy) loves sandwiches, because she can read while she eats them.:P Later, in the Sailor Stars Series (the fifth season) Ami meets Taiki Kou (Sailor Star Maker), who is as smart. The fact that he's smart seems to vex her a lot.

She lives in a mansion with her mother, who is a doctor, and attends Juuban Junior High(Crossroads J.H. in the NA) with Usagi(Serena) and Mako(Lita). In Sailor Stars she moves on to Juuban High along with Usagi(Serena), Mako(Lita), and Minako(Mina). and later, with Seiya, Taiki, and Yaten.

~*Japanese Info*~

Jap name : Ami Mizuno
Birthday : September 10 , Virgo
Blood type : A
Fav. color : aquamarine
Hobby (s) : reading & playing chess
Fav. Food : sandwiches
Least Fav. food : hamachi ( yellow-tail tuna . .. yekkk ! )
Fav. subject : arithmatic ( mathematics )
Worst subject : NONE
Troubles with : love letters
Strong point : calculating , strategist
Dream : to be a docter
Fav. Gem : sapphire


Mercury Power, Make Up

Mercury Star Power, Make Up

Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up


Shabon Spray

Shabon Spray Freezing

Double Shabon Spray Freezing

Mercury Aqua Rhapsody

Mercury Aqua Mirage

~* American Info * ~

Name : Amy Anderson
Age : 14
Birthday : September 10
Likes : books & chess
Doesn't like :practical jokes
Hobbies : computers
Strengths : smart , strategist
Fav food : sandwiches
Fav. color : blue
Fav. animal : cat
Fav. subject : math


Mercury Power

Mercury Star Power


Mercury Bubble Blast
Mercury Ice Bubble Freeze
Mercury Ice Storm Blast
Shine Aqua Illusion