Merits, Flaws, & Stuff.
People given


Dark Faith (7 point Merit) By: Adam "Doc" Eccles
The opposite of true faith, Dark faith is the Baali's faith in the infernal powers. It may pre date the individuals embrace or be an effect of it. The Baali now has a rating of one in Dark Faith, which adds to all willpower and virtue rolls. The exact nature of Dark Faith varies, although its relation to true faith is constant. If a Baali tries to use Dark Faith against an individual with True Faith they must subtract the True Faith rating from the Dark Faith rating, this is the effective rating for all purposes. If the result is negative (True Faith greater than Dark Faith) then the Baali is susceptible to the wielder of True Faith. It takes experience equal to the current rating times three to gain Dark Faith up to rating five and rating by five from then on. The maximum rating in Dark Faith is ten.

Note: an individual with Dark Faith may enter a building/area with true faith (such as a religious site) if their rating is higher than or equal to the area True Faith rating.

Deus By: Perry Lyons (
A discipline of the Baali Antitribu

* Eye of God
The vampire may detect any demonic presences with a roll of Perception + Deus vs. a difficulty of 5. This includes beings with less than 5 humanity, followers of the Path of Evil Revelations and true demons.

** God's Brand
The vampire with this power radiates holy energy. Any of the beings dectectable with Eye of god must make a courage roll vs a diffculty of the person with this discipline's willpower. On a failure the victim enters Rotschreck. On a botch the victim takes 1 health level of damage for each one rolled.

*** Fist of God
On a roll of Strength + Deus (difficulty the target's stamina) the user may inflict one health level of damage per success on a target affected by either of the previous powers.

**** Holy Sword
The user may create a ray of pure sunlight approximately the diameter of a pencil. This beam will emanate from the user's fingertips for humanity=minutes.

***** Divine Strike

On a roll of Humanity + Deus, the user may inflict his current humanity rating in damage to any target that can be affected by the previous powers. The diffculty is the target's willpower or humanity/path rating, whichever is lower.

The Path of Corruption By Wade Jones
(not baali specific)
Basic Beliefs

The Ethics of the Path


Current Practices

Description of Followers

Do's and Don'ts of following the Path of Corruption

Hierarchy of Sins for the Path of Corruption


Views of Other Paths

The Cursed Talon of Baal (Magic Artifact) By Marduk Kurios
Reputed to have been forged by Shaitan himself, the dagger known as The Cursed Talon of Baal is a finely wrought, plain dagger. Devoid of any marking whatsoever, the dagger appears to be made of solid gold. At the pommel, and at either end of the guard, three perfect, large rubies are held in place by the most delicate of fixtures. The dagger is cursed. Whoever has possession of it is loathe to relinquish it for any reason. As a matter of fact, the Talon and its owner cannot be parted save by robbery, or loss. In addition, the owner gains a new friend, a demon by the name of Goratrix, resides in the dagger, forced to plague any who carry it. At first, she can only manifest as a minor nuisance, appearing from time to time to harass the owner, but as time goes on, and as the dagger is used, the demon gets stronger. (Treat this as Demon Hounded (from V:tDA), starting at 1, and raising by one each time the special ability of the dagger is used).

Normally, the dagger will do normal damage (STR+2), but if a willpower is spent, the dagger will do terrible damage to any who are struck (STR+4 aggravated, garou treat this as silver). When this is done, the demon Goratrix gains in power as the corruption of the owner continues (Demon Hounded + 1).

It is said that the only way for the demon to be released, and the dagger destroyed, is for the owner to go through an elaborate ritual, ending with his or her suicide using the Talon.

Talons of Satan (Magic Artifact) By Alexander Mischo
The most potent of unholy relics, these are the claws that were torn form the Dark one's fingers as he grabbed the Earth on his plunge into hell. There are five said to be hidden in Europe and Africa. Five more are said to be hidden in lands yet to be discovered. The Talon is said to drive Lupines and Fae insane with the wishers of the damned. It is said that only Human and Cainite can touch the Talon. But to hold two Talons would vaporize the weak flesh of Human and Cainite.

Just one Talon would give the holder many "gifts" of darkness. By cutting the hand and feeding the Talon two blood points, the holder would be able to summon forth Imps and Demonhounds from the depths of Hell. However, a human sacrifice must be on hand for each demon brought forth by the Talon or the holder will pay with his soul. These "lesser" demons would follow the holder's orders as if he were Satan himself. However, any higher demons will follow orders to the letter, and no further. They will seek a way to return the master's lost Talon.

The Talon can turn the holder's thought into action. It gives the holder three dots in the thaumaturgy paths of Creo Ignem (control of flame), Rego Motus (Telekinesis), and Rego Tempestas (Control of weather) See Pages 165 and 166 of the Vampire: The Dark Ages handbook. The holder can only use these paths as long as he holds the Talon In an unholy place the holder is granted four dots, and in a holy place he has only two. The drawbacks to the Talon are equally great for it is of Satan.

Any who holds the Talon will be affected by those of Faith as if the holder were a Cainite. Any Cainite how holds the Talon will be affected times two. If one with a Faith of five touches a Cainite holder of the Talon he will meet Final Death as if by sunlight. None of the Faith can touch the Talon without the loss of one point to their faith, and can never use the "gifts" so long as they have faith.

Lupines will always seek to destroy the holder and Talon both for it is of the of the Wyrm (Satan) and will harm Nature and Gaia. Lupines can sense the evil of the Talon up to a mile away. Those who possess Soulsight (Auspex) will see only a pure black halo that surrounds the holder, evidence of the corruption of the Talon.

If the holder does not follow Via Diabolis (Road of the Devil) he must make a Conscience/Conviction roll. If the he fails he will lose a dot on his Road. Should the holder's road fall to three dots, his road will be replaced with Via Diabolis with six dots.

It is said that the Talon can turn the holder into a high level demon. However a long and complex ritual must be performed. The only record of this ritual is said to be contained within the "Codex of Lilith" said to be part of The Book of Nod. No parchment or scripture has ever been found, anywhere, that mentions the Codex of Lilith. This Codex may not even exist, just like the Talons.







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