By Larry Bernard (
"The Renaissance: We kept quiet during this age. The church was strong when it began, and many horrors were to be committed. We alone were not responsible for any of them and that's the truly damning part. We never really knew what we did, killing a person here or there. A subtle push here or there and so much changed.
"The Occult fluorished as did reason; ancient Greek philosophy came as well. The church declared what was logic heresy and the burnings were slowly but surely being considered acts of hatred and bigotry not of religion. The de Medicis, the borgieas, the Bathorys, Vlad Tepes: so much blood so much darkening. But it was merely the foundation.
"Revolution: It was 1789. Paris; the French revolution was about to begin true debauchery but unlike my brothers I became distant and here is where my story begins. I got to meet God and I saw the man behind the curtain. My brothers considered me a fool, secretly weak all those years. I was expelled from my coven, declared a heretic, a betrayer of the lord Satan and the children both. So I ran. I will tell you more of what I saw for you will have to hide; our work depends on it.
"The Century of Darkness: Look at the 20th century and you see the mark of darkness. Assassinations, politics so terrible a new term Balkanization came of it: a war that ate at the souls of men. The Holocaust. The dark lord's plans were coming to a head: Pol pot, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler. So much bloodshed and soon it comes to the turning of the wheel of ages.
"And the Wheel turns: If my gambit wins the devil and the god will both fall. The sleepers will stay asleep and we as a line will be redeemed. But it's not promising, I won't lie. Aeons of prophecy stand against it. But I have my healer now, so it is a sign that the real work will begin."
The fangs go deep into my neck and I become the dark angel
Mother Coven Has the following Offices:
These ancient and powerful Baali each hold a role in the administration of the Line in general:
Beelzebub, lord of the council: He runs the coven, but he is also (usually) connected to the Swarm in some fashion and commands horrible powers and plagues.
Belial The Bull of the Council: Belial's Job is that of Warrior of the Council. The current Belial is the weakest of the council and to keep up with the others he has had to make many pacts with several demons. The First Belial left and formed the DeAngelus Heresy. His successor has to spearheaded the dark inquisition of DeAngelians in the line. These two do the only assigned jobs and are the most stable councilors. Further more no one has sense the other five confirmably... leading to claims they have evolved beyond vampire, or this could just be something mother coven gives out to cause dissension among the ranks and keep them in line