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Me at Christmas 2000 (4 months old)

These are pictures of me from my first Christmas.

This is me with my very first Christmas present -- a stuffed reindeer that was a gift from Milly the Corgi from Oklahoma. We did a Secret Santa gift exchange with other Corgis on the Pem-L list. It was great fun!

And this is me with me Christmas present from my mom & dad -- a great big dog bed. The cats get to share it, though, and I'm not too fond of that!

Here's our 'family portrait'. Mom apologizes for her pajamas.

This is me on Christmas morning with my Uncle Pete. He always gets me in trouble.

Me & my dad. I was trying to help him open his presents, but he told me I couldn't eat the paper. It's no fun if you can't eat the paper!

Christmas is very exciting! There's an awful lot to see.

Merry Christmas! Do I get my presents now?

Christmas is very tiring.

I'm a big train-wrecking monster!

But even monsters need some cuddle time.

All worn out again.

This is me at my *other* grandparents house for Christmas. (Christmas sure does last a while!)

Hi! You MUST have some presents for me! Or at least some paper I can eat . . .

Bailey at 14 weeks(back)

Bailey at 5 months(next)

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