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Me at my first puppy class

My very first obedience class was at Dog Sense in Rockville, MD. Some of these pictures are either dim or blurry -- that's because my class was indoors and a flash would have disrupted class.

This is me doing a down-stay. I'm very good at this one. As you can see, my mom walked far away from me -- she's not even in these pictures! (The people you can see in these pictures are the parents of some of the other dogs in my class.)

This is me doing a recall. My mom is hidden behind the big red tent-thing on the left. I had to run to her as fast as I could! The blurry thing in this picture is me.

This is me doing 'heel'.

This is when the instructor used me as an example. I'm a good dog!

Bailey in the snow(back)

Bailey at the PWCCP Specialty(next)

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