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Me at Pony Penning

My mom has always wanted a pony. At the end of July, we went to Chincoteague Island in Virginia so that she could get one. Turns out, there are a lot of places on the island where dogs can't go (even Corgis!) so I had to spend a lot of time in my crate. Mom says if she goes again, she won't bring me, because it wasn't fair to me.

But, on the morning of the Pony Swim, I was allowed to join everyone down by the water. I couldn't see much because I'm so short and the grass is so tall, but it was fun anyway. There was a lot to sniff, and weird creatues (crabs & such) to chase. I had a great time. I also discovered that I think ponies are scary . . .

My mom also took lots of pictures of Pony Penning and my new 'sister', Cricket.

Here I am at the swim, hanging out in the grass.

Mom took this picture after we got home -- she just thought I looked handsome.

Bailey on his second play date(back)


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