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My first night home (11/3/2000)

These are pictures of me on my first night home.

This is me out in the grass at my new house. We had just gotten out of the car -- I was a little traumatized.

Hmm -- what's this mom? A "leash"? Is that for me to chew on?.

This is me once I got inside, and got to see my hedgehog! I love to chew on my hedgehog.

This is me with my nifty new collar (I like to chew on that, too).

I had to sniff the entire floor thorougly once I came home.

This is me and my dad sitting on the floor while the cats were checking things out. I'm jealous -- I can't climb up into their tree!

Bailey at 9 weeks(back)

Bailey at 10 weeks(next)

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