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About The Author

     My name is Nathan, and I share a desire with millions of men and women around the world to pocess the best body i physiclly can. I have been training for about 3 yrs. now and my stats are as follows:

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 230lbs.

Bodyfat: ~10%

Age: 19

I have always been fascinated by bodybuilders, and I have always wanted that physique, and slowly but surely I am reaching that goal. I am beggining to get into a little powerlifting. Which is a great sport because your really competing agianst yourself. My first competetion is on April 29th, 2000. We will see how it goes and I will post the results on this site for all to see. I am currently in training for that meet, and I am looking forward to it very much. Well, thats enough about me now about the site. I hope it is informative and helps you reach your goals. If you would like to send me pictures and sucess stories of you self i would be glad to post them here. If you have any questions just drop me and e-mail.

