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  1. Flat Bench Press : The most commonly used exercise for the chest. It produces growth, and strength not only for the chest but for much of the upper body as well.

    Execution:(1) Lie on a flat bench with your feet on the floor and a grip a little wider than shoulder width.(2) Lower the bar slowly untill it touches your lower chest.(3) Press the bar up with explosion untill your arms are locked.

  2. Incline Bench Press : The purpose of this exercise is to build the upper and middle pectorial muscles, and the front deltoids.

    Execution:(1) Lie on an incline bench. Lift the bar with a medium grip.(2) Slowly lower the bar down to the upper chest.(3) Press the bar upward back to the starting position.

    The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodyduilding by Arnold Schwartzeneggerhas a ton of information, I highly recommend you purchase it. Its only $20 bucks!!!! Click here to buy it.

    Warning :I am by no means an expert. All information found on these pages are from personal use and are to be used at your own risk.