My Honest Opinion on Todays Leading Supplements
This is one of those supplements that truly works. I love creatine although I seem to get more strength gains than mass gains. It also gives my muscles a pumped look. Some good brands to try are Cell-Tech(in my opinion the best creatine drink on the market , but also the most expensive) and Phospagen HP(my favorite, great results cheaper price)If you are going to buy just creatine powder then mix it with a sugary drink to help load the creatine. Dosages 20 grams for 5 days then maintain at 5-10 grams per day.
Whey Protein
This is a great supplement to use if you want to pack on some lean muscle. It helps to supplement with this because you need about 1.5 to 2 grams x your bodyweight per day. I find that I can't get that from regular food without getting fat so i use a protein shake 3 times a day. Dosage is what ever needed to fit your diet.
Andro and Nor-Andro
Some people say they get gains from them, but I think it is just the placebo effect. I have tried both of these drugs and in my opinion they are bullshit. They did absolutly noothing for me except give me a headache during my workout. If you dont beleive me then go ahead and waste your money on these bullshit supplements.Dosage is 100mg a day.
Wow! Talk about a fat burner. I remember the first time I took this I felt invincible. If you want to drop some fat than this is the ticket. Good brands are Xenadrine-RFA(Great product works good and is not too expensive) Ripped Fuel(Also great really cheap stuff) and Ultimate Orange(this is more for workout intesity but it works great as well, taste like shit though) Dosage= Varies
I am currently supplementing with Glutamine and I will let you know how it works.
The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodyduilding by Arnold Schwartzeneggerhas a ton of information, I highly recommend you purchase it. Its only $20 bucks!!!! Click here to buy it.
Warning :I am by no means an expert. All information found on these pages are from personal use and are to be used at your own risk. Cunsolt a physician before using any supplements.