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The Celtic Deity Quiz

The Celtic Deity Quiz

1. Who is the mother of the Irish gods?
a. Creirway
b. Cocidius
c. Dana
d. Flidais
2. What Welsh goddess of the Underworld's animals were birds and the white horse?
a. Rhiannon
b. Iweridd
c. Macha
d. Maeve
3. What is the famous symbol of Cerridwen?
a. Cerridwen has no symbol.
b. The Golden Bough
c. The Silver Branch
d. The Cauldron of Inspiration
4. Who is the British equivalent to the mother of the Irish Gods?
a. Danu
b. Don
c. Danann
d. Creirwy
5. What moon goddess is famous for being Merlin's beloved in the Arthurian legends?
a. Eriu
b. Etain
c. Nimue
d. Niamh
6. Who is the Irish/Welsh god of the seas?
a. Lir
b. Lugh
c. Manann mac Lir
d. Math Mathonwy
7. Arianrhod was the welsh goddess of-
a. the sun
b. maidens, youth
c. stars, sky, the moon, the silver wheel
d. death, war, rage
8. Arawn was the god of-
a. beauty, peace, love
b. terror, death, pain
c. seas, rivers, lakes, water
d. the Upperworld
9. Name the Faery Queen of Knockaine-
a. Airmid
b. Aer
c. Amergin
d. Aine
10. Druantia is-
a. High Queen of Faeries
b. Goddess of the forest and natural world
c. Queen of the Druids
d. the goddess of war and death

The number you got right: Percent Correct: Letter Grade:

Did you Survive?

A = Impressive!! Wow, you really know your lore! I award you the Invisable Star of Wisdom! :)

B = Good job! You did very well! You'll only have a few scars. :)

C = You are pretty knowledgeable! I hope you just didn't watch that NBC tv movie, Merlin.

D = Did you guess? Well, you best brush up on your deity lore

hmm... = Well, sorry, but you apparently don't know anything. Go read. Now.