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Faerie Gardens

Faerie Gardens

The Faerie Garden is a wilde, mysterious place, densely wooded to hide the elusive Faerie Folk. It is a manifestation of the mischievous spirit of the natural world, filled with groves of towering trees and tangled hedges and briars that no mortal can penetrate.

Also, faerie-related flowers are important to attract the faeries. But since I've already listed some elsewhere in the Garden, you might as well just flit over there.

The Faerie Garden's pathways seem to twist and turn without a logical course, and can disappear completely or enter pools or water or end at the base of a tree's trunk. Oftentimes they are hidden from view. Little traps and tricks are a thought, in case you want to fool with anyone visiting your garden but the danger of you yourself encountering them might be a factor.

The faerie garden is often shady or partially so. Beds of moss and bunches of ferns and a good amount of moisture encourage toadstools to grow. But beware any toadstools that grow in a ring, as you must well know. For the ring of mushrooms signals a dancing place for the faeries, and a shortage of 'fairytales' if you will, concerning that, there is not.

Not everyone has enough space for oakgroves and winding pathways. If your space is limited, you can still grow a Faerie Garden, by using the faeries' flowers with a mischievious heart and making your space and lush and wild as the spirits of the Faeries themselves.

And don't forget to leave gifts for the faeries if you feel they would be appreciated. It is an old tradition to leave bread or milk or honey out for the faeries, especially on Midsummer's Eve or Night. And if you do leave gifts, whether in the form of food or crystals or otherwise, you might see a mysterious result in your garden, whether the roses bloom longer than before, or the blackberry's fruit tastes twice as sweet.
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