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News News & Current Events Involving the Magical World

Those who advocate for the acceptance of fat complain that overweight people are the last remaining group about whom bigotry is still socially acceptable. Modern-day witches might beg to differ. The New York Post

"LONDON — On Tuesday night thousands of people will gather at Stonehenge to see the midsummer sun rise over the lone heelstone. For the first time in 16 years they will be able to do so without breaking down the fences. English Heritage has granted open access..." FOX NEWS Article ~ SFGate News Article ~ The Evening Standard Article ~ CNN Article ~ 2nd CNN Article

A new spirituality website ( launched on the 6th, convering everything from martial arts to Wicca.

"Fishermen kill some 60,000 Pacific sharks every year, tossing their carcasses or dying bodies back into the sea, to satisfy a voracious human appetite for shark’s fin soup. The House on Tuesday moved to stop that practice, voting 390-1 to ban shark finning in all U.S. federal waters extending 200 miles from American shorelines. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, was the lone no vote." read entire story

"Archaeologists scouring the Mediterranean seabed announced Saturday that they have found the 2,500-year-old ruins of submerged Pharaonic cities that until now were known only through Greek tragedies, travelogues and legends..." read entire article

The next sabbat is nearly upon us, Midsummer. The longest day of the year, Midsummer has had many names, Litha and the Summer Solstice to name a few. Prepare yourself for any celebrations you may wish to perform, whether it be a private honouring or attending a full-fledged festival.

Popular New Age/Witchcraft author Silver Ravenwolf is coming out with a new series of fictional novels, known as Witches Chillers. Only one book is out as of now, Witches' Night Out. The characters are based on those on her nonfictional book Teen Witch, and are generally intended but not restricted to, young adults.

British artist Brian Froud (Faeries, Good Faeries Bad Faeries)will be coming out with a new book with Jesa Macbeth called The Faery Oracle. It is scheduled to come out October 2000 in hardcover.

updated 6/27/00
created 6/07/00