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the oubliette

the oubliette

"She's in the Oubliette. (laughter) No, she shouldn't have gotten as far as the oubliette. She should have given up by now..." ~ Jareth, the Labyrinth

You should be congradulated... you have found my Oubliette... I wouldn't have expected you to get this far. Most people don't like it here... I'm in the unfortunate habit of forgetting about those I release here.

As a prize for your curiousity, you are awarded the little button below... display it on your site and link it back to the main page, to allow others to search for the Oubliette! And remember, the oubliette's door moved often, as mysterious things do... so cheating will be guarded against!

Oubliettes are common in The Labyrinth, a favourite movie of mine. And so, in the true spirit of that film, perhaps you would like to take the challenge of finding your way out, without the benefit of the back-button? Their are links to many pathways on this page so please, find them.... *evil laughter*

Imagine yourself. You're in a dark little chamber within the earth where I keep all manner of things... the ceiling is low and hung with cobwebs... glitter shimmers on every surface. A single sparkling candle glows... however will you get out???

What do you do?

Look around...
Wait in the dark
Fall Asleep