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Springtime in the Garden!

Springtime is finally here, a wonderfully time for the gardener. Of course, winter's many fine qualities are to be appreciated, but now is the time for celebration. People everywhere can emerge from their winter nests and stretch their limbs and enjoy the fragrant scent of the earth's return to sunshine and fertility.

The garden is quite the active place this time of year. Countless things must be done, inlcuding weeding, any new inprovements, seedling work or new plants bought. This is the time to change your garden by adding new denizens or decorations, or reintroducing your vegetables or annuals which were lost to the winter cold.

The springtime garden is a place to lie in the sunlight amongst the freshly sprouted wildflowers, a place to listen to the myriad of singing birds. Personally, I adore the winter and love the rain, but when the sun comes out I can't repress the urge to go outside and well, play!

As a witch, you get to do much more than "normal" gardeners do. There is almost no limit to the wonderful and magical activities involving the garden. Here's some of my brainstorming if you thirsting for ideas.

Ideas for Enjoying your Springtime Garden

  • Build a garden altar, if you don't have one already. It can be practicly anything, from a traditional-looking stone altar to a tree stump. Use your imagination.

  • Plant a magical circle. How do you plant a circle, you ask? For indoor rituals or anything involving the casting of a circle, witches can imagine the magical circle, or use a ribbon, string, or rope to indentify in on the floor. But if you have a garden, you can plant a very powerful magical circle. Simply measure a circle in your garden whatever size you wish, depending upon whether you practice magic with others casually or work in a Coven or are a solitary witch. Then you can plant whatever you wish within it, irish moss or grass, and either surround it with stones or meaningful plants or herbs (like those with distinctive powers, such as protection). You can even bury bricks (or stones) in the soil to make the shape of pentacle, something you couldn't do on your wood floor.

  • Host little tea parties or loose Coven gatherings, inviting your friends to come and share in the beauty and fragrance of your newly revitalized garden. You can wear flowers in your hair and have everyone take part in little tributary activities, such as garland-making.

  • Spend lazy hours in the garden with your children or young relatives, playing or pointing out names and folklore surrounding the plants which catch their eye.

  • You can start your first or a new, garden journal. Springtime is a time for new beginnings.

  • Work in your garden, removing the 'weeds' which thrived during the winter when it was too stormy for you to go out and get them when their weren't collossal examples of natural growth.

  • Clean or put up birdbaths for your winged visitors. Refresh the birdseed in the feeders.

  • Organize your garden, if your not going for the cottage-garden look. How did that baby chamomile get way over there?

    Springtime is a time of beauty and green, green everywhere. Enjoy your hyacinths and crocus blooms, because summer is fast on the tails of springtime, and soon the showers will cease and the days will grow even warmer.
