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A Witch's Gardening Tools

Not all of these tools are magnificently magical, nor are they all necessary, depending on the size or type of your garden. But tools are fun to play with and that is that. And of course, some of irrefutably useful. Feel free to contact me with any suggestions, for this area of the garden is still being tended.

This blade is the basic working tool, a knife (it can be curved or uncurved) used for the actual "grunt work," unlike the ritual athame or dagger, which is used in magic symbolicly.

So the white-handled knife is great for use in the garden, harvesting herbs to be used in magic or any other cutting work you might have (and there is alot in maintaining a healthy garden).

You are, of course, free to do whatever you wish in your spiritual practices, but the white-handled blade is usually seperate from the athame most witches keep for rituals and magical workings, as the athame symbolizes the element of fire (air to some), and has other duties.

Baskets are highly useful in the garden, taking plants and the fruits of the garden to and fro. Baskets are cheap and easy to collect, especially at thrift shops, where attractive baskets in different shapes and sizes can go for 25 cents or less.

A Garden Journal or Diary is a fun way to record the progress of your garden. You can include flowers and photographs in the pages and keep track of what you plant and how it grows, and record any spells or rituals done and how they turned out. The possibilities are endless and its nice to have a record to look back upon.

The diary itself can be anything you wish it to be, and simply notebook, two cloth-covered boards sewn together, or a fancy leather-bound number thriving on today's metaphysical market. Whatever you choose, the keeping of a Garden journal is a magical rite unto itself.