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Gifts of Friendship

This is from DStarCatcher
Next thing I have....ooooo I am so excited.... 
I gave out the awards last night...
and I have to say I am so proud...*beemz*...
so many Spirits took me up on the awards and I was
forever sending them out...*grinz*...
but I loved every minute of it.
Now...about the awards...
I have been working all week...*pausing*...
didn't I mention that last week???
About working my fingers to the bone???
*nodding slowly*...I think I did... Oh well...
anyway... I have been and I have made numerous pages
just for you! For you to see how I am keeping track of
the see which teams win the
Team Award...and also... another neat 
page...*listening to Spirit BearHugs*...well....
I think it's neat...and so does
DSpirit....humph!!!! judge for 
The first one...the one I think is neat... is found... 
There are 4 pages there because I didn't want to load
anyone up too much...*s* Then...where you can see
which award and how many you have won is located at:
and that one is all on one page... not many graphics 
there...*teehee*..and then, the one for the teams...

Gold Dust 1 Gold Dust 2 Gold Dust 3 Gold Dust 4

Gold Dust 5 Gold Dust 6 Gold Dust 7 Gold Dust 8

Gold Dust 9 Gold Dust 10 Gold Dust 11 Gold Dust 12

The comment that came with this award(1st one):
Congratulations =))
Hello Spirits!

Hope you don't mind my sending you this all at once...
for there are so many winners of this that
I am nearly bursting with joy! *giggle*

So..without further ado!!!!.... 
your award for dusting the entire month of February....
not missing once and I am forever grateful!!!!!

Thank you...thank you...thank YOU...
for all you do!!!!!!!

Oh...the torch on the award signifies your light..... 
the torch that lights the way in the SF.....*beemz*


The comment that came with this award(2nd one):
Congratulations Spirit Chris!

I am so proud of you I could burst!!!!!!

You have proven again how very wonderful you are and 
how very appreciated you are by us in DRealm of DSpirit!

Please accept my GoldDust Bag Award Number 2 for this 
past month of dusting and sharing your wonderful Spirit!!!

Thank you for all you do...always....*beemz*

The comment that came with this award(3rd one):
Congratulations Spirit Chris!

I am so proud of you I could burst!!!!!!

You have proven again how very wonderful you are and 
how very appreciated you are by us in DRealm of DSpirit!

Please accept my GoldDust Bag Award Number 3 for this 
past month of dusting and sharing your wonderful Spirit!!!

Thank you for all you do...always....*beemz*

The comment that came with this award(4th one):


Congratulations Enchanted Spirit Chris!

I am so proud of you I could burst!!!!!!

You have proven again how very wonderful you are and 
how very appreciated you are by us in DRealm of DSpirit!

Please accept my GoldDust Bag Award Number 4 for this
past month of dusting and sharing your wonderful Spirit!!!

Thank you for all you do...always....*beemz*

The comment that came with this award(5th one):


Congratulations Enchanted Spirit Chris!

I am so very proud of you !!!!!!

You have proven again how very wonderful you are and 
how very appreciated you are by us in DRealm of DSpirit!

Please accept my GoldDust Bag Award Number 5 for this 
past month of dusting and sharing your wonderful Spirit!!!

Thank you for all you do...always....*beemz*

The comment that came with this award(7th one):

Well, hello winners!!!!!

I am so excited... you are more than half way to 
winning the entire set of awards... *thinking*..
I might have to get another set ready for next year
cuz no one likes to get the same ones all the time...

Anyway... it makes me extremely proud to present to you...
your #7 Gold Dust Awards for the month of July!!!!!

Thank you, Spirits...for all you do each and every day!

The comment that came with this award(8th one):


Congratulations Enchanted Chris!

Oh I cannot believe how absolutely wonderful you are!!!!!!!!!
Not one month have you missed since January...
dusting every week!!!!
You make me so very very proud...

You have proven again how very wonderful you are and 
how very appreciated you are by us in DRealm of DSpirit!

Please accept my GoldDust Bag Award Number 8  for this
past month of dusting and sharing your wonderful Spirit!!!

Thank you for all you do...always....*beemz*

The comment that came with this award(9th one):


Congratulations ES Chris,

I am so proud of you -))  You will never know how I 
feel being able to give this award to you! 
Thank you so much!

You have proven again how very wonderful you are and how 
very appreciated you are by us in DRealm of DSpirit!

Please accept my GoldDust Bag Award Number 9 for this 
past month of dusting and sharing your wonderful Spirit!!!

Thank you for all you do...always....*beemz*

The comment that came with this award(10th one):


Hello Enchanted Spirit Chris !
I am so excited and have decided to present the Golden 
Dust Bag awards through your Team!  I feel each and 
every Spirit should know how their Team mates have done...

For those of you that do not know..
these are presented to the Spirits that have dusted 
each and every week for the past month..
not missing one assignment! 
In the numerical order... the Spirits that are 
receiving their awards this month are: 

Spirit Lifter receives #1
Spirit Fairie MoonBeam receives #2
Spirit Neko receives #4
Spirit PeaceRose receives #4
Spirit Cactus Flower receives #4
ES Chris receives #10

Thank you once more for everything you do always..
each and every day! 

Spirit Hugs,

The comment that came with this award(11th one):


Hello Enchanted Spirit Chris !

I am so excited and have decided to present the Golden 
Dust Bag awards through your Team!  I feel each and 
every Spirit should know how their Team mates have 
done... so... if you will forward this to all for me 
For those of you that do not know..these are presented 
to the Spirits that have dusted each and every week 
for the past month..not missing one assignment! 
In the numerical order... the Spirits that are 
receiving their awards this month are:
Spirit Lifter...#2
Spirit Neko...#5
Spirit PeaceRose...#5
ES Chris...#11
Congratulations to all!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you once more for everything you do always..each 
and every day!
Spirit Hugs,

The comment that came with this award(12th one):


Hello Enchanted Spirit Chris !

I am so excited and have decided to present the last Golden Dust Bag awards
for the year 2000 through your Team!
I feel each and every Spirit should know how their 
Team mates have done... so...
if you will forward this to all for me please...-))
For those of you that do not know..these are presented to the Spirits
that have dusted each and every week for the past 
month..not missing one assignment! 
In the numerical order... the Spirits that are 
receiving their awards this month are:
ES Chris...#12
Spirit PeaceRose..#6
Spirit Lifter...#3
and for all the other Spirits on your Team.... #1.... 
for doing a great job this past year!
Thank you once more for everything you do always..each and every day!
Spirit Hugs,

Hello Spirits...*waving*

I am so excited to be able to present to you this 
week's Golden Spirit Stick award for dusting all week!!!!!

I do hope you don't mind me sending it to all of you
this way..for there are so many receiving it and I 
would be up all night just sending one at a time...LOL

Congratulations have made me so very proud!!!!!!

Thanks for all you do... really! *s*


It is my greatest pleasure to award to you...
my weekly award for dusting the all week.

It is my way of saying thank you for all you do...
for it is deeply appreciated!



It is my greatest pleasure to award to you...
my weekly award for dusting all week.

This award is actually for this past week and the week before;
as I didn't send this out...shame on me...
*hanging head in embarrassment*

It is my way of saying thank you for all you do...
for it is deeply appreciated!


Hi Spirit Chris

I just wanted to send you a small note to say
Thank You for all you do as a Spirit.
I appreciate it very much.  Here is a small thank you gift.

Spirit Hugs
(received March 31, 2000)

I received this award on March 6, 2000.
Congratulations Spirit Chris,
I am so proud to present to you  the Spirit of the Week award! 
You were chosen by your fellow Spirits and selected by
DSpirit to represent all that Spirits are and should be.   
This came from DSpirit... 
I thought you might like to hear it personally....
" Spirit Chris is an outstanding, dedicated Spirit.  He is always dusting,
participates in our contest, nominates fighters for the Spirit Award and
spreads his spirits to all in the fights.
I am very proud to have him as one of my top
Spirits with DRealm of DSpirit.
Thank you Spirit Chris for all you do.  Big Spirit Hug, " 
Please accept this award from all of us here in DRealm of DSpirit
and know that we are exceptionally proud of you too! 
Other comments recieved:
The Magic Continues! =)
2000 promises to be a wonderful year for DRealm of DSpirit!
Full of Magic and Beauty and Joy.
Please join us now and be prepared to be enchanted.
This week is a  magical week!
Spirit Chris is this weeks Spirit of the Week award winner! 
Spirit Chris is an outstanding, dedicated Spirit. 
He is always dusting, participates in our contest,
nominates fighters for the Spirit Award and spreads 
his spirits to all in the fights.
I am very proud to have him as one of my top Spirits 
with DRealm of DSpirit. Thank you Spirit
Chris for all you do. Big Spirit Hug,
~DSpirit =)
Spirit Chris has an awesome website! Please stop in and pay him a visit! 
if you enjoy seeing happiness and joy, visit Spirit Chris soon!
You will be glad you did...*S*
Don't forget to sign his guestbook and congratulate him.
It gives me the greatest pleasure to say
Congratulations Spirit Chris , Spirit of the Week!
Congratulations, Spirit Chris ! =)
Send A  Spirit Card
DRealm Of DSpirit would like you to accept this 
Spirit Of The Week Award for all you do in Sharing your Spirit!
Thank you so much!
~Hope knowing that you're thought of In a very special way.
Will add an extra little bit Of sunshine to your day!~

I received this on April 1st 2000

For all your outstanding work in DRealm of DSpirit as
well as being a  Spirit for DaBunnies Spirit Team we 
proudly present to you DRealm of DSpirit 2000 Star of 
the Month Award this fourth month of the new 
Millennium.  For this you are awarded 80 Spirit Points 
to spend in The Site Fights DStore as you wish, from 
DMan, to show our appreciation for all you do around 
the fights and for DRealm of DSpirit 2000.
Spirit hugs and love
Good Morning Spirit Chris
It is with great honor I am writing this email to you. You have been chosen DRealm Star of the Month for April. Your outstanding devotion and hard work with DaBunnies Spirit Team has shown through to all and we appreciate all you have done. Your tribute page is located at:
and your Award is displayed above.
For winning this award you have 80 Spirit Points to your credit to spend in DStore. If you decide to spend your Spirit Points please let DFairy Star at know as she keeps track of your points.
Thank you for all you have done in your travels through The Site Fights and being an outstanding Spirit for DRealm of DSpirit.
DRealm of DSpirit 2000
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and sign up for yours
A Thought for Today
"Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who'll never find
out." - Frank A. Clark


Someone thought you were a very special person and 
wanted to present you with this wonderful award.

Someone wanted to present you with this wonderful award.
They believe you are a wonderful and caring person.