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Go and visit Spirit Chris
and sign his Spirit Book.

Home Page:

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For all your outstanding work in DRealm of DSpirit as well as being a  Spirit for DaBunnies Spirit Team we proudly present to you DRealm of DSpirit 2000 Star of the Month Award this fourth month of the new Millennium.  For this you are awarded 80 Spirit Points to spend in The Site Fights DStore as you wish, from DMan, to show our appreciation for all you do around the fights and for DRealm of DSpirit 2000.

Spirit hugs and love

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I received this award on March 6, 2000.
Congratulations Spirit Chris,
I am so proud to present to you  the Spirit of the Week award! 
You were chosen by your fellow Spirits and selected by
DSpirit to represent all that Spirits are and should be.   
This came from DSpirit... I thought you might like to hear it personally....
" Spirit Chris is an outstanding, dedicated Spirit.  He is always dusting,
participates in our contest, nominates fighters for the Spirit Award and
spreads his spirits to all in the fights.
I am very proud to have him as one of my top
Spirits with DRealm of DSpirit.
Thank you Spirit Chris for all you do.  Big Spirit Hug, " 
Please accept this award from all of us here in DRealm of DSpirit
and know that we are exceptionally proud of you too! 
Other comments recieved:
The Magic Continues! =)
2000 promises to be a wonderful year for DRealm of DSpirit!
Full of Magic and Beauty and Joy.
Please join us now and be prepared to be enchanted.
This week is a  magical week!
Spirit Chris is this weeks Spirit of the Week award winner! 
Spirit Chris is an outstanding, dedicated Spirit. 
He is always dusting, participates in our contest,
nominates fighters for the Spirit Award and spreads 
his spirits to all in the fights.
I am very proud to have him as one of my top Spirits 
with DRealm of DSpirit. Thank you Spirit
Chris for all you do. Big Spirit Hug,
~DSpirit =)
Spirit Chris has an awesome website! Please stop in and pay him a visit! *S*
if you enjoy seeing happiness and joy, visit Spirit Chris soon!
You will be glad you did...*S*
Don't forget to sign his guestbook and congratulate him.
It gives me the greatest pleasure to say
Congratulations Spirit Chris , Spirit of the Week!
Congratulations, Spirit Chris ! =)
Send A  Spirit Card
DRealm Of DSpirit would like you to accept this 
Spirit Of The Week Award for all you do in Sharing your Spirit!
Thank you so much!
~Hope knowing that you're thought of In a very special way.
Will add an extra little bit Of sunshine to your day!~