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I Am An American
By: SunRae copyright Nov.2002

I am an American
One of the privileged few
And as an American
I have a job to do

Fight for a way of life
Known as democracy
Forge thru trial and strife
Against our enemies hipocrasy

I am an American
And proud to be
You can not torture, maim
Or kill the pride inside of me

Red, white, and blue glory
Flying high for all to see
I am a soldier protecting
Your right to be free

A veteran of the vigil
I kept for lasting peace
A prisoner of war
who made it to release

I am a hero in
The hearts of many
I am a tomb of the unknown
In timeless infamy

Next time your hand crosses your
Heart and watches the colors fly
See my face in the stars along
with all my brethern who have died

I am a vetern who has seen
More than most can endure
I come from every land
I have walked every shore

I am an American
Look and you will see
The pride, honor and love
For my country inside of me

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