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April 1, 1578
William Harvey of England discovers blood circulation.

April 2, 1513
Florida is discovered, claimed for Spain by Ponce de Leon.

April 3, 1948
Harry Truman signs Marshall Plan.

April 4, 1968
Martin Luther King jr. fatally shot; James Earl Ray pleads guilty, later recants.

April 5, 1614
Indian Princess Pocahotas marries English colonist John Rolfe.

April 6, 1917
US declares war on Germany in WW1

April 7, 1994
Vatican acknowledges the Holocaust for first time.

April 8, 1766
First fire escape, wicker basket on pulley and chain, patented.

April 9, 1865
Gen. Robert E. Lee surrenders at Appomattox Crt House, VA.

April 10, 1947
Jackie Robinson becomes the first black major league baseball player (Brooklyn Dodgers)

April 11, 1899
Spanish-Amrican war ends; Spain cedes Puerto Rico to US.

April 12, 1961
Yuri A. Gagarin of the Soviet Union is first human in orbital flight.

April 13, 1829
English Emancipation Act grants freedom of religion to Catholics.

April 14, 1865
Pres. Abraham Lincoln shot in Fords Theater by John Wilkes Booth; Dies the next day.

April 15, 1912
Titanic sinks at 2:27 am off Newfoundland as band plays on.

April 16, 1962
Walter Cronkite begins anchoring CBS evening news.

April 17, 1961
1,400 Cuban exiles land in Bay of Pigs in an attempt to overthrow Castro.

April 18, 1775
Paul Revere rides with the warning " The British are coming!"

April 19, 1587
Sir Frances Drake sails into Cadiz, Spain and sinks Spanish fleet.

April 20, 1902
Marie and Pierre Curie isolate radioactive element radium.

April 21, 1956
Elvis Presely's first hit record "Heartbreak Hotel" becomes #1.

April 22, 1769
Madame Du Barry becomes King Lois xv's "official" mistress.

April 23, 1984
AIDS virus identified.

April 24, 1953
Winston Churchill knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.

April 25, 1953
Scientist identif DNA

April 26, 172
Smallpox vaccination administered for first time.

April 27, 1805
US Marines attack shores of Tripoli.

April 28, 1914
W.H. Carrier patents the air conditioner.

April 29, 1990
Wrecking cranes begin tearing down Berlin Wall at Brandenburg Gate.

April 30, 1789
George Washington inaugurated as first President of US.


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