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August 1,1774
Joesph Priestly discovers oxygen

August 2,1776
Formal signing of The Declaration Of Independence

August 3,1778
The Itallian opera house La Scalia opens in Milan

August 4,1693
Dom Perignon invents champaigne

August 5,1914
First traffic light installed. (Cleveland)

August 6,1945
Atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan by the "Enola Gay"

August 7,1909
US issues first Lincoln penny

August 8,1786
Congress adopts silver dollar and decimal monetary system

August 9,1974
Richard Nixon resigns from presidency: Gerald Ford becomes 38th president

August 10,1846
Congress charters "nations attic" the Smithsonian Institute

August 11,1929
Babe Ruth becomes the first baseball player to hit 500 homers

August 12,1851
Issac Singer patents the sewing machine

August 13,1961
Construction of Berlin Wall begins in East Germany (dark day)

August 14,1947
India granted indepedence from British Commonwealth

August 15,1914
Panama Canal officially opens (under cost)

August 16,1969
Woodstock NY rock festival begins

August 17,1903
Joe Pulitzer donates $1 million dollars to Columbia Univ. and establishes Pulitzer Prizes

August 18,1964
South Africa banned from Olympic games because of Apartheid policies.

August 19,1909
Indianapolis 500 race track opens

August 20,1882
Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" opens in Moscow

August 21,1959
Hawaii becomes the 50th state

August 22,1864
Geneva Convention signed by 12 nations

August 23,1833
Britian abolishes slavery in colonies; 700,000 slaves freed

August 24,1814
British forces capture Washington DC and burn the Capital and the White House

August 25,1609
Galileo demonstrates his first telescope to Venetian lawmakers

August 26,1843
Charles Thurber patents a typerwriter

August 27,1939
First successful flight powered by a jet engine (in a Heinkel He-178)

August 28,1963
Martin Luther Kings "I Had A Dream.." speech at Lincoln Memorial

August 29,1842
Great Britain and China sign treaty of Nanking, ending the Opium war

August 30,1645
Dutch and Indians sign peace treaty in New Amsterdam NY

August 31,1997
Diana, Princess of Whales, killed in Paris car crash with Dodi Fayed


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