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The Easter Lily

Lily of the purest white
Symbol of ressurection and new life
Adorn this Easter Day with a
promise of peace, love, and rebirth.
By: SunRae copyright2001

The Easter Lily, a symbol of peace and purity. Sometimes called "white robed apostles of hope". Traditionally Churches at Easter time bank their alters and surround their crosses with masses of Easter Lilies, to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and hope of life everlasting. Lilies were found growing in the Garden of Gethsemane after Christ's agony. Tradition has it that the beautiful white lilies sprung up where drops of Christ's sweat fell to the ground in his final hours of sorrow and deep distress.

In early paintings The Virgin Mary is depicted with lilies. When the angel gabriel told Mary she was to be the mother of Jesus he extended his hand with a branch of pure white lilies. When the tomb of The Virgin Mary was visited after her death it was found empty except for branches of pure white lilies filling it. The lily was made by early writers and artist the emblem of the Annunciation, the Resurrection of the Virgin: the pure white petals signifying her spotless body and the golden anthers her soul glowing with heavenly light.

To many artists and poets it seemed that, if any flower could have one, the lily had a soul. Ancient fables tell us the lily sprang from the milk of Hera, the mythological Queen of rife with stories and images that speak of the beauty and majesty of the elegant white flowers. Dating back to Biblical lore, the lily is mentioned numerous times in the Bible. One of the most famous Biblical references is in the Sermon on the Mount, when Christ told his listeners: "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they toil not, neither do they spin; and yet..... Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these."

In yet another expression of womanhood, tradition has it that when Eve left the Garden of Eden she shed real tears of repentance, and from those remorseful tears sprung up lilies. The spiritual principle held here is that true repentance is the beginning of beauty. A mark of purity and grace throughout the ages, the regal white lily is a fitting symbol of the greater meaning of Easter. The Easter Lily serves as a beautiful reminder that Easter is a time for rejoicing and celebrating.


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