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By: SunRae copyright2001

Your love is the
breath on angels wings
shimmering in a light
of silver and gold.

Gosamer touches wrap
softly around my heart
lightly to you with
unseen bonds you hold.

Lips that caress
my dewdrop skin
softly speaking silent words
your love enclosing me in.

glances of a heartbeat
holding with your eyes
secret passions of a lifetime
Our love forever held within.

Empty vessels of a life
no longer left alone
with abundant depth
your love has overflown.

With a quiet smile of knowing
I see a lifetime in your face
Within this heart of mine
no-one, nothing, can ever
take your place.




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For the float load the little hearts to your file directory. . .you may
 copy the code from my source for the float but please give credit to